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Please Don't Withdraw Your Apps Until You're SURE Of Where You're Going

It's that time of year again - several posts asking that admitted students withdraw from other schools early so that other students can take those slots. There's a lot of things wrong with this and I want to clarify them so none of you make a serious mistake.
1. Your applications and acceptances are yours. You paid the application fee, you did the work to warrant consideration, and you put the application together. Don't feel bad for other people who might get waitlisted or rejected. Keep your options open until you need to close them.
2. You aren't actually helping anyone. You can only take one spot at one college. Every top university will end up with full enrollment, like they do every single year. This is four years of your life and six figures of someone's money on the line - you owe it to yourself to make this decision based on what is best for you, not some random other applicant. That is not your problem and there is literally nothing you can do to help that person. Thinking you can is like helping the poor by not buying a lottery ticket, thereby increasing their odds of winning. It's silly.
3. Let colleges manage yield. Colleges admit people knowing full well that not all admitted students will enroll. They have a timeline for issuing acceptances, assessing enrollment, and addressing yield and the waitlist. They know way more about historical numbers and the current situation. You do not owe anyone else your spot.
4. Withdrawing early probably won't impact the waitlist timeline anyway. A lot of people say you should withdraw anyway so other students might find out their results sooner. According to former admissions officer FeatofClay:
I keep seeing this exhortation (that withdrawing helps waitlisted students get in earlier) on this community. I'm curious as to the source of this "conventional wisdom," and a sense of how many schools where this holds true.
There were years in the past when we'd use the pattern of March deposits to try to predict May 1 deposits, and we might admit more people in March and April since we anticipated being down on May 1. However, we learned that the "signals" we got in March ended up being too unreliable to change our admit plans. We don't do that anymore. So whether you say "no" on March 20 or on May 1, that wouldn't change the timing of decisions for students who were still waiting.
And even if it does move the timeline up, that's not your responsibility.
5. Don't try to "be nice" by giving up your spot at a college because your situation could change. This is the biggest reason not to withdraw early. Schools give different, often wildly different, financial aid packages (Seriously I've had students get $50K+ a year from Columbia and only $20K from WashU, as well as many other similar examples). Even if you have your heart set on a school and you got in, it might prove too expensive to be a viable option. Experience has shown that you will have an easier time negotiating for more financial aid if you have multiple offers. You could also have a family medical emergency, loss of employment, or other calamity that affects your decision on where to go. You could get threatened with rescinded admission for getting 2 Bs. You could decide you want to be closefurther from home. You could decide to major in bioengineering instead of economics and therefore switch from UChicago to Georgia Tech. There are hundreds of reasons why your plan could change, so don't close doors for yourself before you have to.
6. Read the details of the admissions agreement and follow them. Early action programs don't require you to withdraw other applications, so don't do it until you've made your decision. Early Decision programs usually do require that you withdraw other applications, but only after you have received your financial aid package (and it is affordable). Don't play games or try to find out where else you can get in just to inflate your ego. Keep your end of the agreement you signed. But also, don't withdraw your applications until you're SURE of where you're going.
submitted by ScholarGrade to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

A D&D adventure inspired by the movie Twister(1996). Romance, science and evil tornadoes.

I assume everybody knows Twister(1996), the classic cinematic masterpiece about a divorced woman hunting down roaring tornadoes to avenge her father while also trying to get back with her ex-husband while also ducking it out with evil tornado chasers.
I would suggest this adventure for characters around lv 6 or 7: an air elemental is CR 5 and enemy casters have enough levels to have a variety of spells. At higher levels, your players could attempt to attempt to fight the storms directly.

The premise

An area of the world is routinely hit by tornadoes, at a much higher than usual rate. It's Kansas, but fantasy.
A natural meteorological phenomenon? Ridicolous, obviously it’s magic. A cult built and hid three temples to the storm gods, and they increase the rate of storms and tornadoes.
Every few centuries, an evil, massive tornado appears and destroys everything, and it’s about to happen again. A group of magicians specialized in studying weather patterns and ancient cults are the only people aware of the danger, and they’re working to stop it before it’s too late. But it’s not easy: they don’t have the ability to delve into the temples alone, and a group of treasure hunters looking to become rich scavenging the temples is getting in their way.
Only the players can help and save the region.


The Good Guys
Your party will be contacted by Johanna Hunt, leader of the group of good wizards. With her are Harthur Paxton, her ex-husband that is accompanying them for unclear reasons (he’s still in love with her, but stubbornly refuses to admit it, even to himself.)
The party could also meet them on the road, while under attack by air elementals, or find them in town buying supplies and trying to warn people of the impending danger.
Other members of the party are The Preacher, a religious fanatic that sees signs in the weather and can make divinations, The Dustman, a weird wizard that creates and sells potions, constantly on an altered state of mind and very unreliable.
The movie has more NPCs, feel free to throw in your favourite, they'll be there mostly for show or minimal support. I suggest not putting too many or it risks slowing down everything and boring the players.
Some hooks for your group
Each of the 3 temples is powered by a magical item of the storm cult. Only when all 3 are removed, the storm will stop. The Johanna team wants to destroy them, to make sure it doesn’t happen again. The rivals want to sell them.
Greedy players may attempt to keep the items for themselves or sell them, angering Johanna, and if your players are playing big meanies, they could be hired by the Treasure Hunters in the first place, meeting Johanna only later.
The Bad Guys
The Rival Hunters are a group of mercenaries, magicians and tomb riders that only care about money, they want to pillage the temples and sell the content, instead of safely destroying it.
They all dress in identical black cloaks and menacingly ride black horses.
The Storm Cult is a generic cult of evil people wants to summon the Perfect Storm and destroy everything hoping to receive its blessing of wealth and power.
The Perfect Storm: this powerful Air Elemental is the final Tornado. It can’t be fought unless the party is at a very high level. It’s summoned in the prime material every few centuries for a single day.
It takes the form of an F7 tornado, with winds of up to 300 mph and it actively hunts for cities and people, causing as much death and destruction as possible.
It can lift entire houses and throw them directly at you, with pretty good aim.
Smaller tornadoes will regularly appear, followed by raging air elementals that hunt the players trying to stop the cult. Most tornadoes should happen far away, dealing damage in the distance, a grim reminder that the more time the players take, the more lives will be lost.
You could have one cross the path of the players, forcing them to slow down unless they want to face or, it maybe have it attack a nearby city, forcing a moral quandary: help them now, or finish the quest as fast as possible and leave them to die?
If the players take a long time, many towns will be razed, especially if the Perfect Storm has arrived. If they are fast, they should be rewarded by finding the region mostly intact. If they dilly-dally, it will be a graveyard.

The first temple

Both Johanna and the Hunters know the location and are headed there. In this buried stone building, many cultists protect the item chamber, with the aid of air elementals (Enemies stats below).
If you want to spruce it up, consider a few storm-themed traps:
  • A narrow bridge with sudden gusts of wind that threaten to push you down.
  • Wind currents that stop projectiles.
  • Rooms filled by storm, rain and lightning, with lightning rods that deal damage around them.
  • A room filled with a foot of water or a metallic grate floor that the cultists can throw lightning at.
  • A slope with a water current dragging you down and a hidden pit at the bottom.
At the end of the temple, the players will find the first item: The Skull of Dalton. Crafted from the Skull of a long-dead archpriest, it holds a crystal globe in its jaws, and inside the globe is a raging storm.
Skull of Dalton
Requires attunement.
The skull has 10 charges. While holding it with one hand, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: Gust of Wind(2 charges), Wind Wall(3 charges), conjure minor elemental(4 charges) or Storm Sphere(4 charges).
The skull recharges 1d4+4 charges each day if it is left in the open for more than 4 hour.
The skull grants advantage on all checks to maintain your balance or avoid being pushed, even if not held.
Johanna Hunt will want to destroy it right away. The players can convince her to keep it for the duration of the mission, to help fight the other temples, or refuse entirely and anger her.
Outside, the group will meet with the treasure hunters and be taunted by them. If the group has the skull, the hunters will offer to buy it. accepting will anger Johanna, refusing will cause the hunters to threaten the group. Another refusal will cause them to leave menacingly, promising they will come back.

The second temple

Johanna doesn’t know where this temple is exactly but thinks ist’s hidden in the city of Goodwind: it’s the only town in the area that, in 3 centuries, was never hit by a tornado, despite being in the middle of their path.
She is right. The temple is hidden under the mayor house, and the city maintains the ritual in exchange for protection from the storm gods.
The Mayor is Murray Vaughn, a simple man that knows what they're doing is dangerous, but wants to protect his community.
If the players come looking for the staff, he'll be very scared, and try to come up with a lie and downplay the danger of the storm, trying to convince them there is no cult and it's just the weather, like every other year. If the staff is in danger, he'll plea with the players to leave it there.
He's afraid that removing it would remove the only thing protecting the town. He is right, but doesn't know that the storms can be stopped entirely.
There are no cultists here, only civilians protecting their town. They will beg the players to not take away their only protection.
The players can try to trick, intimidate or convince the locals, they're regular people, not especially strong, evil or cunning.
If the players take too long or appear soft on the locals, Johanna, driven by her vengeful hate against tornadoes, will use force to get them to reveal the location, then storm in the temple alone and attack the locals.
If the players are in good standing with her, they can try to calm her down with the help of Harthur Paxton.
If they're not, she’ll have to be stopped by force. She will give up as soon as she reaches a third of her HP or is incapacitated.
The players can also help her. It is a fast and easy way to solve the issue.
Whatever happens, the hunters will rile up the town and start an angry mob to try stop her and the players.
If the players showed themselves to be reasonable and peaceful, they can calm down the mob. If they’ve been aggressive, they may be forced to fight.
During the chaos, an agent of the hunters, invisible, will try to snatch up the ritual item, the Staff of Wagner. Crafted from the arm of a long-dead archpriest, it holds a crystal globe in its hand, and inside the globe a swirling whirlpool of water.
Whatever happens here, this is intended as a roleplaying encounter: how the players interact and have interacted with Johanna will determine if she does something horrible she (and the players) will regret later, or if she manages to grow as a person, and give you a chance for some nice interaction between her and Paxton.
The Staff of Wegner
Requires attunement
The staff has only 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: Control Water, Wall of water, Water Walk, Tidal Wave.
The cantrip Shape Water can be cast at will.
The staff allows its holder to breath underwater.
The staff regain 1 charge for every hour it is left under pouring rain, and needs to be kept moist at all times or stops working.

The third temple

Is hidden. It’s an invisible tower, revealed only when the Perfect Storm starts raging.
Knowing the position of the other 2, it can be triangulated on a map. The 3 temples form an equilateral triangle.
Edit - On a map, your players would have 2 possible locations to go to. Letting them choose at random is one option, but it could be frustrating, so here are a few ideas:
  • If they split in 2 groups, the one that arrives in the right location should be there just as the Hunters, giving them a chance to do some roleplay while they hold off the enemies until the rest of the party arrives
  • If they ask Johanna to show them the path of the other tornadoes, show them a clear "safe zone" around the location of the thing temple.
  • If they ask where the Perfect Storm is likely to appear, have it be in the middle of the triangle
  • Have the symbol of the cult be a triangle and put some hidden map in their second temple.
Thanks to user u/ffddb1d9a7 for pointing out the problem
If they don’t have a proper map or the players don’t want to do it, let Johanna or the Hunters do this part. If the players are in good standing with the town of Goodwind, have the mayor reveal the location instead, a reward for their decisions.
Remember that, the more time passes, the worst the storm becomes. Describe it accordingly: as they approach the third temples, there should be permanent overcast skies, tornadoes all over the horizon, a howling, wet wind carrying dirt and debris.
This time the hunters are already in the temple, fighting through the tower against the cultists. The players can kill them, leave them to die or try to help them.
If the players sided with the Hunters, it will be Johanna group that is already inside, fighting.
If Johanna is antagonistic with the players, she could lose faith in them and run away, trying to stop the Perfect Storm on her own.
If she’s friendly, you could make it so the storm is heading directly for the tower, and have her heroically run towards it to buy time.
Harthur Paxton will declare his love and follow her to (maybe) certain death.
The players can try to stop him, either by force or diplomacy. If they use force, they’ll have to tie him up, or he’ll run away at the first chance.
The last item, at the top of the tower, is The Heart of Gabriel. Crafted from the ribcage of a long-dead archpriest, it holds a crystal globe where the heart would be, and inside the globe swirls a crackling bolt of lighting.
The Heart of Gabriel
Requires attunement
The ribcage needs to be worn over the chest, in place of a set of armor. The globe disappears into the body of the wearer, a faint crackling sound accompanies each heartbeat.
When work, the ribcage offers resistance to lightning and thunder damage, +5ft movement speed and adds +1d4 lightning damage to all attacks. The wearer is immune to natural lightning and can cast Fly on themselves as an action once per long rest.
As an armor, it offers no more protection than a shirt.
Once all the rituals have been stopped, the storm subsides.
Depending on how the players interacted with Johanna, she could disappear forever with Hartur in the storm, or they could find the two barely alive, chained together to a deeply-rooted tree to not get dragged away.
If the hunters have been killed in large numbers, the group disbands. If the players saved them, they could convince them to renounce their life of greed, or ask for a slice of their future profits, and make a potentially useful ally for future adventures.
It’s possible the players joined them, asking for part of the treasure and abandoning Johanna entirely. In that case, the hunters will try to scam the players and skedaddle with as much treasure as they can.
If the players were fast, the area is mostly intact and will forever be grateful. If most towns were razed, it will eventually be settled by new people that know nothing of these sad events.
A romance? A romance between NPCs is not easy to do, and often not even wanted.
Feel free to downplay or skip it entirely, it is a risky move. If you want to try it, some suggestions.
Have the NPCs talk with the players, not between themselves. If they have issues, have them ask the players opinion. Have the NPCs talk between themselves only if it’s very short or funny. I don’t think you need to do it more than once, at the discussion in the second temple, and even then, it should happen side to side with the players.

Some statistics

A level 9 Cultist
Dressed in blue, gray or white robes, these cultists have a number of weather-themed spells and rely on powerful aoe, summoned elementals and home advantage to win.
HP: 40 (9d8), Str 9(-1), Dex 14(+2), Con 11, Int 17(+3), Wis 12(+1), Cha 11
AC 12, 15 with mage armor. Saving Throws: Int +6, Wis+4
Some thematic Spells: DC 14, +6 with spell attacks
Note: avoid using too many summoning spells, they slow down combat and make everything messy.
5st level: (1 or 2 slots) Cone of Cold, or Conjure Elemental, or Control Winds, or Maelstrom
4nd level: (3 slots): Conjure minor elemental, or Elemental Bane(cold or lightning), or Ice Storm, or Storm Sphere
3rd level: (3 slots): Call lightning, or Elemental Weapon, or Fly, or Sleet Storm, or Lightning Bolt, or Thunder Step, or Tidal Wave, or Wall of water.
Lower Levels: Magic Armor, Shield, Misty Step, whatever else.
Melee attack: wooden staff +5, reach 5ft, 1d4+2 bludgeoning. They use wooden weapons to avoid becoming lightning rods.
Ranged attack: crossbow +5, 60ft, 1d4+2 piercing.
Boss cultist
Give them more spells and some environmental effects: lightning bolts charge for one turn and fall the next, forcing the players to move. Powerful winds move people around the area. A tidal wave pushes the players away when they get in melee. A lightning shield wounds those that hit the boss.
A Hunter
Hunters shouldn’t fight to the death and avoid fighting at all if they have nothing to gain from it.
HP 100, Str 16(+3), Dex 16(+3), Con 16(+3), Int 15(+2), Wis 12(+1), Cha 10
AC 15, Studded Leather Saving throws: Dex +6, Con +6, Int +3
Passive perception: 16 (6th sense of the treasure hunter)
Multiattack: Attacks 3 times in melee and 2 times ranged.
Brute: Melee weapons deal 1 extra die of damage
Can shoot a crossbow from horseback with no penalties.
Melee attack: Blade +7. Reach 5ft, 2d6+4 + poison (take 1d6 damage, Con DC 15 to reduce in half)
Ranged attack: Crossbow +7, 30ft, 1d6+4 + poison (take 2d6 damage, Con DC 16 to reduce in half)
A storm
Fighting a tornado ain’t easy. This is just one suggestion on how to do it
  • Approaching is slow, the wind makes it hard to walk, and the rain, sticks, dirt and pebble inflict 1d6 damages to unprotected players, none If they’re wearing heavy armor or have shields or heavy cloaks.
  • Arrived near the tornado, they have to attract its attention. One this roars at them and changes its path to attack them, the fight starts.
  • The tornado does one of two attacks each turns: It spawns air elementals or it throws an object. The tornado can’t be attacked directly, the players need to hold it off for a number of turns until its energy runs off.
I would suggest 5 rounds for a weak tornado, up to 8 or even more if they try to stop a more powerful one.
Spawn elementals: On the first turn, it spawns 1 or 2 elementals. Between turn 2 and 4, it can spawn 1d4+1 elementals, and after the 5th turn, it spawns a single, larger elemental, two sizes larger with increased HP and reach.
Throw: a small object (+10 to hit, 1d6 damage), a medium object (+8 to hit, 2d6 damage) or a large object (+4 to hit, 4d6 damage in a 6ft by 6ft area).
When the fight is mid-way, an especially strong wind blows the players down, they are pushed in one direction by 5ft and have to pass a Dexterity or Strength DC 10 check to not end up prone.
You can add variables to make the fight more interesting: there is a house nearby, and the tornado moves towards it as the fight progresses, or some of the elementals ignore the players and attack it.
There is some large rock or ground formation that offers protection from the thrown objects.
There is an alchemist lab or explosives deposit nearby, and after 3 turns, the tornado starts breaking it down and throwing explosive projectiles.
A tornado is crossing the players path, they can go around it and waste time or try to fight.
Johanna is a competent mage, you can use the same stats as a cultist but replace some of her spells with utility spells. You don’t want her to steal their spotlight, but if she buffs or protects them, they’ll like her.
5th level: (1 slot) Dominate Person, Wall of Force.
4th level: (3 slots): Confusion, Greater Invisibility, Stoneskin.
3rd level: (3 slots): Counterspell, Elemental Weapon, Haste, Protection from energy, Magic Circle.
Lower levels: Absorb elements.
The other members of the group are low-level mages or experts and should have only a few low-level utility spells.
The Perfect Storm
This Gargantuan+++ air elemental is many miles wide and impossible to fight. If the players attempt, The wind is so strong it’s guaranteed to knock them away before they get even remotely close to it.
At many miles away, rain and wind are already very strong. Have the players occasionally be pelted by rocks and branches while they travel to the last temple: 2d6 damage, Dexterity 15 to reduce it by half. Have objects of increasingly large size fly in the vicinity of the players, culminating with an entire house.
Did you know they’re making a remake of Twister? It’s probably gonna be terrible but oh well.
If your players really want to fight it mano-a-mano and are powerful enough, have it stay around after all 3 rituals have stopped, with reduced wind and thrown objects. Have it fight like a regular tornado with more powerful summons and, occasionally, direct smash attacks added to its regular ones.
Consider the Elder Tempest (Mordenkainen tome of foes page 200 for ideas for a more classic fight).
submitted by dIoIIoIb to DnDBehindTheScreen [link] [comments]

Stories from 12 years of Casino Industry

I was asked to make a post about some stories within the Casino grounds so I thought I'd share. I have many so I'll do my best to pick the better ones.
Some back information: I've been a Casino Dealer for 11 years, I've been a supervisor for five years, and I've been a Surveillance Operator for one year. I've worked at three properties, none of which are connected or owned by the same company. I've worked on : Government/Private/Native American owned casinos.
  1. From Hero to Zero.
At my first Casino, I was one of the first group of people who were trained to deal Roulette . After 4 weeks of working 6PM-3AM then doing roulette training from 3AM-8AM (Not paid) , I actually really enjoyed the game and after about six months I became extremely quick at the number game and the pace of the action was steady with very low margin of errors. Young man walks in, cashes in for $500. He buys in for $2 chips and just loads the board. After a few spins and pretty decent hits, he then changes his chips from $2 to 5$ then to $10 and racks his winnings up to $10,000. It was then, five spins in a row, he loaded the board with some pretty gross bets, and every spin I would hit the ONE number with either NO CHIPS on it, or maybe 1 chip , He lost all $10,000 in a matter of minutes. He leaves , and I go on break. After my break I was going back to the same table and wouldn't you know it, the same young man walks in and cashes in another $500. He tells me he just sold his car outside and this is all that he had left. So we do the same deal, buys in for $2 chips, then slowly starts betting $5 chips, $10, $25...and he makes $10,000 AGAIN. Within the next 25 minutes it was straight agony. Every spin, same thing, he would bet $2500 in chips, and win only $250, $400, and after about a half hour he lost it all . Never saw the guy again.
2) Man down
At this property, we are 24 hours for table games. It's currently 5AM , and I'm dealing some $25 Blackjack to this guy. He's probably early thirties , heavy guy. He's sober as can be, but right away I can tell he's been losing. We know how much you've bought in for, how much your down, or up, and I could see he was down $2000+. After about twenty minutes of pure losing, his temper starts to flare.At this point I now have two other guests at my table. Drinking coffee, not saying a word, just losing their money. After losing hand, after hand, this guy looks me straight in the eye, seized up, starts shaking, he can't move. He tries to punch towards me and smashes his stack of chips all over the place and falls backwards to the floor. I call for security, we cannot touch him due to liability . I can't move from my table because, well, liability / casino cash property, all I can do is try to talk to him. As I'm doing so, these other two woman who are sitting at my table just look at me and one says "OK, dealer, cmon lets go " as she taps the table telling me to start dealing and forget about the guy having a stroke on the floor. As security takes him to the ambulance out front, I had to stay behind for a couple minutes and give a statement. I go on break. I come back, and 45 minutes later, he comes right back in with a oxygen tank and keeps gambling for the remainder of the morning.
3) You get a dildo, and YOU get a dildo!
On a late summer Saturday night, we had a large event for these massive muscle guys/strongman competition type thing. After their show, I'm at the roulette table , and five of these boys come over to play. They were absolutely hilarious. They were feeling pretty good, cashed in somewhat large amounts and I could tell this was going to be a fun time. After about a hour of dealing to these guys, it's almost midnight, everybody is pretty hammered , I spin the ball, and all five of these guys take out these god damn (what I can only tell was) two feet purple dildos from inside their pants, and wiping them around in the air. The ladies were just loving it, one of the dildos landed in the roulette wheel and we had to shut the table down to re-calibrate the wheel to make sure nothing had been changed. I just remember that night was so much damn fun, I couldn't believe what I was seeing and I would never forget it.
4) Full Moon
On this day, I was actually training dealers / supervising them on small games like Three Card poker. We opened the table at 10AM, and this older man came and sat down . He played all day. The jackpot was $21,000 and that was pretty high for this table. He played, and played and played. He's one of the players where you know he's wearing a diaper because he's been drinking coffee/pop all day and hasn't moved in eight hours. As the day went on, this man never moved from his chair. Getting closer to midnight, he was aggravated and said "I need to go have a smoke, I'm getting killed in here". He left, and the very next hand, the lady beside him was dealt the jackpot . He didn't say much, but you could just tell he just hated life at that very moment because had he not gotten up, it would of been his hand. The man calmly took his cane , his hat, jacket, coffee, and left. The next morning I found out when he did leave he drove his car straight through his bank and was arrested.
5) Slick Robber
I actually give props to people who can actually pull this off. This story may confuse you so I'll try and explain things as best as possible. A lot of casinos have machines as soon as you walk through the front doors. A man walks up to one of these machines and sticks in HIS $100 bill. He doesn't gamble it, instead he hits the cash out button and gets a $100 TITO ticket where he then takes the ticket to the ATM machine to get his $100. Now remember, his Original $100 is in the slot machine. He then takes the $100 from the ATM and goes back to the same machine, and repeats this process over a hundred times. Essentially he's taking money from the ATM, and loading up the Slot Machine . Now he knows he can't do it too much because if the slot machine gets full of money, the machine will shut down and the slow attendant will have to take all the cash out. So he deposits over $10,000 , then has a small crowbar, he cracks the machine open and makes a run out the front door. To my knowledge he was never caught . But damn, that was pretty smart .
6) Mental Health is a thing.
10PM man walks in to play some high limit BlackJack. This guy knows the game and played well. Dressed nice, drank juice/tea , a little bit of a attitude, cashed in over $10,000. When this man was half way down his buy in, he said something a long the lines of "If I don't win here tonight, I'm going to go set myself on fire." I wasn't sure if he was serious because when people are down, they tend to say a lot of nonsense. I actually left early that night, and from a third party was told he did exactly that in the parking lot. The next day it was clear something terrible had gone wrong in the parking lot .
7) Nothing good happens after midnight
After a busy Saturday night, I was dealing a mix of games, and during this story I was in the middle of Blackjack. I had one young kid (probably 19) sitting in the middle, one older male probably in his later 40's sitting beside him on his right, and I had a really nice couple in their 20's sitting together at the other side. This young kid wasn't playing just sort of watching, and ever time the old man won he would give this young guy some of his winnings. The older man, was a wine drinker, and he had black between all of his teeth, I'll never forget. He's a little drunk but nothing terrible. As the night goes on, the older man goes and uses the washroom, at which point the couple asked the young guy "Oh was that your dad?" and the young guy says "Hah, no I wish!". The couple and I just looked at each other. This old guy, was in complete control over this kid. Absolutely disgusting. The night ends, and I find out the couple called a few of their friends, and they all waited outside by this old mans truck and beat the living hell out of him. 40 years old, sleeping with a 19 year old, completely brain washed . Very weird.
8) That one co-worker where you just wish they would quit.
One of our co-workers, nice guy but had a very big ego and we as employees just sorta left him alone. One day he had enough of the atmosphere and quit. Now usually when you quit, you cannot come back until you paperwork is finalized. How ever, HR was in that day, and he was given the paperwork the very next day. He came in, cashed in $1000, and made $50,000 in about a hour at the Baccarat table. My manager, was extremely annoyed, because now this guy is just mocking the casino and having the time of his life (Thanks for the big tip by the way :) ) and so he decides to call it quits. He wants to ban himself and he wants $50,000 in cash. The casino says Nope, we are going to give you a cheque. Now here's the thing, most business people will take the cheque, how ever you CANT CASH the cheque until the following monday because it's on that day where the funds are available. The casino on the other hand will cash their own check in anytime , because they want you to play. So this guy pretty much said go to hell I want my cash, and he called the police. Police show up, and management promptly gave him the cash.I though it was absolutely hilarious .

9) No good deed goes un punished
I was dealing Three Card Poker, and the jackpot was around $17,000. This old man (a regular) was sitting there all day grinding it out. Super nice guy, always a pleasure to deal to. Well, after hours of playing, he stands up and says "Hey john!, can you come here for a minute?" so his buddy John comes over. He says to John "I need to go take a piss real quick, can you play my card until I get back?" John agrees . John takes the chips and I stop him and explain he can't play his friends chips, he needs to cash in and play his own. And he does. Welp, second hand out and bam, doesn't he win it. The old man comes back and is so happy, he can't believe it. John, took his $17,000, didn't say a word to his "buddy" and walked away. I never felt so much hatred in all my life. Didn't give him a dollar, not a thank you, nothing. The old man sits back down again, the progressive resets to $2500, and he sat there grinding away again.
10) The Top Knot
I had this player , young guy, who was born into a fortune. One of his relatives passed away and left him a pretty big sizable amount of money, so he played poker every single day for the rest of his days. I will add, he IS a good player. I did not enjoy his company just because of the "Know-it-All" attitude, but he was good. We'll call him John. John is 5'10, and well build, with muscle. John also decided today was the day to show off his Top Knot. (google top knot if you're not sure what I mean) So he sits down, and he's absolutely KILLING the table. Every hand, after hand, after hand. And because he's in such a good mood, he's playing any two cards, calling any $500 bet, and he's just dominating. This one guy at the table decided he had enough. He got up, without saying a word and left. A moment later, he comes back in, walks behind John, and takes a pair of scissors , and cuts off his Top Knot. I for one couldn't believe it, dying laughing inside, and it just turned into one big brawl. That was a good day.
11) That one bad seed
One of my best friends who I haven't seen in YEARS ended up being part of the crew. Was kind of nice to catch up. We never really got along as we grew up because he has a very high picture of himself . He wanted that 10/10 woman. A mansion, and a new Corvette. So every month or so we would all go up to the other casino to play. I myself would bring no more than $500, but I couldn't understand how this guy (we'll call him Kyle) was spending THOUSANDS of dollars at the tables. So this wen on for a few months. Well, one day, as we're closing the casino, he and I are in the High Limit room and we're getting ready to close the tables. We are told to take the chips out, count them, put them back, sign this piece of paper and that's it. Well as the supervisor was locking the tray, the piece of paper fell to the floor, so she asked Kyle to grab the piece of paper. As he bends over, a great big $500 chip falls right out of his sock. Kyle was fired immediately , but it all made sense. They offered Kyle a deal where if he replaced all the stolen chips they would not make it public. Not sure how that turned out.
12) If I ever decide to write a book, this will be the last chapter: <3
After working at my first Casino for five years, I met a Indian woman who was visiting from another part of the country. During this time I was explaining a game to her, which honestly I don't think she even cared. She explained she was visiting and sight seeing , and that was that.Well, two years later I ended up moving to the other side of the country and transferred casinos, and low and behold she worked there as a Dealer. We got married , and it's been 5 years.
13) The Tip
One of our tables that we've had for a couple years had a progressive jackpot that had reached $100,000. The dealer at the table was sitting pretty lonely. Nobody really played the game because people knew it was extremely difficult to win the jackpot. My memory is a tad foggy, but you somehow needed to flop the royal flush. This young guy sits down and says to the dealer, we'll call him John. "John, if you pay me that jackpot, I will tip you $10,000" Well John started dealing, and about a half hour into his shift, he F*cking did it. He dealt him the royal. And you know something?This young lad, kept his word, and he made sure there was a audience, and he tipped exactly $10,000. That was a moment right there. That pay cheque was real nice. I think we all got about $500 more than usual. The moment that jackpot was awarded they got rid of the table because the money it was making was not near what the casino wanted. I'm sure there have been bigger tips at other casinos, but that was something special .
14) The Lawsuit
Now this story I'm going to have to beat around the bush a bit due to the nature of what happened. I can't won't answer any questions that you may have on this topic other than what I have to say because it had a lot of publicity . The waitresses at this casino had to wear very thin sexy clothes. Not borderline legal, but it was noticed. One day they called all the waitresses to come in and explained they were changing their outfit to something even more sexier. Now these new dresses were very very borderline legal . The staff said No way. We're not wearing that.So , friday night comes, and the staff work their whole shift, then at the end of their shift were called into a meeting and were all fired. Welp, one of those ladies father was a pretty big time lawyer. Brough the casino to court and won. They won big. Good for them. We had no waitresses for a couple days haha.
Thanks for reading along, I have many more I can add as the day goes on, those were just some off the top of my head. Feel free to ask any questions of the Casino industry. I don't really have many stories about the surveillance department because that's the one area where I can't really say a whole lot due to its privacy and contracts I was and still am under.
submitted by viodox0259 to TalesFromTheFrontDesk [link] [comments]

I mined my first Ethereum nickel (0.05 ETH)! Here’s my journey and some lessons learned

There are lot of new to mining folks here, I’m one of them. Here is my journey and some of the lessons I learned

Why did I go here?

When Bitcoin hit $40k I finally decided that cryptocurrency isn’t going to go away. And if it’s not going to go away I should look into it. The sad thing is that in the early early days of bitcoin I had played with getting a miner going. I even got to the point where it was happily mining away on my computer. But then I had to get back to work and when my computer rebooted I never started it up again. What a loss!
I should also call out, the EtherMining guide is really good. If you are starting your mining journey it’s very helpful

The Wallet

I made the investment in a Ledger wallet. I’ve seen the reddit post that made it to all about poor souls that lost huge amount because of some hack or thievery. If I’m going crypto I’m controlling the keys. I did some research and determined that Leger or Trezor are the best cold wallets. After which I read on Ledger’s site that you shouldn’t mine directly to ledger because it can’t handle a large amount of small transitions (more on this later). Did some google and went with Mew for my mining software wallet figuring I’ll transfer to ledger after.
Here I learned about the magic 20 words or a Mnemonic phrase. Unlike banks, Ledger and Mew don’t hold your account. They are simply devices. If Mew is installed on your phone and if you lose your phone you’re screwed and you can lose all your holdings. Unless you can rebuild your wallet with the Mnemonic phrase that is. Alright, good stuff. I have mine and a safe wallet

And Ethereum?

Of course first I looked into mining bitcoin again. What? You need an ASIC miner these days? Holy shit they cost how much? Alright, who’s number 2. When you start researching about Ethereum it’s pretty freaking cool. This thing could overtake Bitcoin someday and you can mine it with a GPU. Hey I have one of those!

The card

I have a 2070 super which I got shortly after they were released for under $500. I’ve been using it for video games and it’s great. Who knew there would be a run on GPUs and the cards worth more than I paid for it!

The Pool

I quickly learn that solo mining is a fool’s game with Ethereum, you need a pool. I went with Sparkpool simply because it was the largest. As the new guy I don’t need to be trying out the newest pool, I want stability. I also wanted to stay anonymous, turns out all you need is a deposit address. Nice

The miner

Fees to use a miner? The heck? I’m not afraid of a CLI, let’s go with the free one. I download the latest Ethminer. Now we hit the first real challenge as the example configurations were all over the place. After some trial and error I settle on a .bat that does;
ethminer.exe -P stratum1+tcp://
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]):3333

We’re mining!

On Sparkpool you can search by your wallet address. After ~10min, there I am. Cool! I’m mining! Change the sleep settings on Windows and I’m mining while I sleep. Now when can I get my earnings? Let’s see they pay out at 0.1 ETH….. Let’s do some math…. Yeah that’s not happening for a long time. Ahh, they pay out on the 28th of the month even if you don’t make 0.1. Just got to wait. And this is where I was for a few weeks

On to Upgrading

I’m mining, what a fun start. I’m not in a position to put together a rig though. Maybe there’s some reasonable changes I can make

The Miner

Let’s start easy, the miner. I see post on EtherMining that Phoenixminer is just the best (I’ve since read the same thing for about 3 different miners). Ok, I don’t like the idea of a fee but I have stats at Sparkpool, let’s see what it does to the average. Around this time I found the guide on EtherMining and learned about adding commands to my .bat file for etherminer or phoenixminer as well. My .bats now start with
Turns out I do get a bit better results with Phoeixminer. Nothing amazing but it is better. And the reporting in the CMD prompt is better. I can see information on my card and hashrate. Cool!
I also finally take the time to find my electricity bill to see what I’m paying. My cost per kWh is 0.09, lucky me! Plug that into mining calculators online, I’m ok. At least I’m not losing money.

How about a 3070?

Alright, this is fun and all, but what if we can could do more. My computer has some more PCIe slots. How much could I make with a Nvidia 3xxx? Turns out betterhash let’s you know. You can plug in any card there and get a hash estimate. Turns out I could make over $100 month with a 3070. At $600 the card would pay for itself in 6 months!
….There are no freaking cards for sale. Anywhere. What the heck. How late am I too this game? And the ones that are available, they want $980 for a 3070? I look deep. I make the half hour trip to Micro Center and get told to try coming in at 8am every day and I might get lucky. Not looking good.
Finally I recall I used to order stuff from CDW at my old IT job. I hit pay dirt! They have a 3070! It’s expensive but it’s not $900. Card ordered! (Since then, they’ve been out of stock. I got lucky)

Upgrade issue #1

I need to make room for the 3070. My 2070 Super is a 3 fan and it’s long. There’s not room in the 2nd PCIe slot in my case for the long card. I end up moving everything around and break off some plastic from the hardrive cage, I got it in!
I have a 3rd PCIE, can I put a card there? Not unless it’s super thin, the power supply is right under it. Looks like I’m limited to 2 cards for now.

Upgrade issues #2

My new 3070 is extra wide (PHY uprising edition if you care). The fans literally sit on the 2070. And with both cards in there my computer is hot! My computer feels like a heater right now. Let’s google on how to deal with heat. I learn about and download MSI Afterburner. Pretty cool tool! Not only can you see the temperature you can adjust a lot of settings on your GPU. I spin up my miner and start MSI afterburner. Ok, the 2070 is doing fine, let’s see how the 3070 is doing.. 90 degrees, ok, ok. Wait it’s Celsius, holy crap! What the heck! That’s 194 degrees F! It’s gotta be that wide ass 3070 making the fans sit on the 2nd card. The cooling air it’s sucking up is coming straight from the 2070…
I switch the cards (why did I break my hardrive cage?). Now the 2070 is back in the first slot which is not ideal, I liked the idea of using the 3070 for video games.. Spin up my miner, we are doing better. Both cards are in the mid 70s Celsius. That’s fine right? Do some googling… Crap, no it’s still too hot…
Time to upgrade the fans in the computer. Another half hour trip to Micro Center, I get a 140 and 120 size fan. I also get a fan controller because I noted that I only had 1 free fan plug in on my motherboard. The fan controller ends up fitting perfectly in a hardrive slot, like it was made for it. Fortunately I overbought my PSU and I have plenty of power slots for adding one offs like a fan controller.
Alright, I’ve filled every Fan spot on my case, there are 5 fans going…. And there blowing wrong…. After redoing everything because I messed up the fan directions…. (Remember kids, air should flow front to back and heat rises) Let’s try again!
Spin up the miners…. I’m under 70 degrees Celsius! Progress, progress. But high 60’s is still in the danger zone. Here is where I find some nice post in EtherMining on MSI afterburner settings. Raising my fan speed to almost 80, cutting my power to somewhere in the 70s, raising the memory clock to +500. Now I’m at 63 c! And my hash rate went up as a bonus!

Here I am and where I’m going

If you’ve made it this far, it’s been a learning journey for me. There are some things I can still do better at but I think I have the basics of Ethermining down. I’m happy with where I’ve gotten. I’ve also learned a ton about crypto currency.
Going forward, I might change from Sparkpool but I’m still on the fence. From EtherMining I know everyone and their mother is going to Flexpool. But I’m a small player (~100 MH/s) and waiting for 0.2 ETH for payout would take a long time which is risk. And I’m not sure what the PPLNs type plan would net me.
I’m also considering using the address for my ledger for my proceeds. It’s going to go there anyway and I would like to avoid fees from moving my coin around. I know ledger cautions about large amounts of small transactions but with a pool the payout is only once a month so I don’t think it applies. If the ledger can’t handle 12 deposits a year then I need to find something else anyway.
You know, I might have gone big but with staking being the future of Ethereum, the rising difficulty level of mining, not really having a place to put a rig or honestly the funds for one, I think I’m going to stay a small player and just see if I can eventually pay back this 3070 I bought. In the end it’s been a ton of fun and added excitement to the monotony of being quarantined to a house all day. Thank you for the forum post and the new hobby!
Were you entertained? You can always send things to 0xAD0cd237BDE28AF4Dc4E0D913285e74217384e29 (worth a shot)
submitted by teljaninaellinsar to EtherMining [link] [comments]

The Ultimate Canon World Of Assassination Mission Order (Probably)

This will get a little wordy so I’d like to take the time to inform you that there is a concise list at the bottom that just has the mission order with no extra annotations.
If you’re anything like me then you’re a real sucker for sticking to the canonical routing of games like Hitman, problem being Hitman doesn’t exactly have one to speak of outside of the main campaign. Fortunately, IO have given us many hints as to the true order of thing such as NPC dialogue and background news reports and for the last couple weeks on and off I have been scouring the games and wiki for every last bit of information regarding the canonical goings on of the World of Assassination trilogy. So today I present a detailed look at the best canonical order I can put forth forward of the launch of Hitman III, upon launch I will likely revisit this if anything comes fawned from the new maps the may contradict this order. So without further ado, I present My Canon World Of Assassination Mission Order.
All missions in the prologue likely take place over maybe a week or so. Simple stuff here, just don’t forget this after the mission “Training” in Hitman: Codename 47 but before any other mission in the Hitman series if you’re planning on playing everything the series has to offer chronologically at any point.
Guided Training
Freeform Training
The Final Test
Pre-Campaign Contracts
Apart from the “The Icon” and “The Landslide” (which canonically take place several years apart in that order and before the main H|1 campaign) these can be shuffled around in any order. I figure that all of these contracts make the most sense on the timeline between Blood Money and Absolution or between Absolution and WOA trilogy. My placement of these bar previous mention are mostly to provide the most interesting and varied gameplay experience before starting the main campaigns as they have no real set position on the timeline. If you wish you could also slot some of these in between “The Showstopper” and “Club 27” and they’d still make relative sense.
The Icon
Illusions of Grandeur
The Pen And The Sword
Embrace of The Serpent
A Silver Tongue
A Bitter Pill
Now for avery long note on “A Silver Tongue” and “A Bitter Pill”
I recommend skipping if you don’t want to indulge yourself in my problems with IO’s bonus level creation.
I have a lot of issues placing these as “A Silver Tongue” takes place at The Global Innovation Race where of course “The Finish Line” does, I had a lot of back and forth on deciding if it made sense for “A Silver Tongue” to come just before “The Finish Line”and “A Bitter Pill” to come just after but it makes very little sense as the house the target of “A Bitter Pill” occupies was until just before “A New Life” occupied by a Providence Herald that was there prior to Cassidy, but was poisoned by Helen West. I really couldn’t find a good place for this despite hours of thinking so I decided thusly;
The Global Innovation Race that “A Silver Tongue” plays out in is not the one featured in “The Finish Line”, but one from years prior and thus the murder of Frank Schmidt haven’t taken place yet and in fact he didn’t even live at the location at the time as the target of “A Bitter Pill” did.
I must apologise but that’s the only explanation I can come up with at this point. I’d like to proceed into a rant about how bonus mission are just resold elusive targets but I with simply leave it as this is the one where I most felt that, the others at least had a reasonable sense of believability but “A Bitter Pill”, and “A Silver Tongue” by extension, just doesn’t.
Now to continue with the placements, sorry for the long explanative rant.
Crime and Punishment
The Landslide
A House Built on Sand
HITMAN I Campaign And Patient Zero
Hitman 1’s campaign has a pretty easy going start but as mentioned you could slide some contracts from the pre-campaign section at your leisure.
The Showstopper
World Of Tomorrow
A Guided Cage
Club 27
The Source
After the death of Jordan cross, what was left of The Class likely left The Himmapan Hotel within 1–2 weeks as in the mission “The Source”, the staff of The Himmapan are still in the process of cleaning up the band’s penthouse and accompanying floor with many The Class branded containers as well as a few members of the band’s security detail and recording crew still strewn about the area so it’s likely they are preparing to leave. The ground floor is also still being fumigated showing not long has passed.
Freedom Fighters
Situs Inversus
These two make most sense back to back as the ICA wouldn’t want to delay the elimination of the traitorous Soders.
The Author
The Vector
Patient Zero
Pretty concise timeline here, 47 flies between these three destinations straight away.
The Last Yardbird
This mission makes the most sense to be here as it’s the second time we see 47 wield his Seiger 300 Ghost. It is also referenced in a news report in “The Nightcall” that Interpol had arrested the former head of The Yardbirds, Aleksander Kovak, in Panama City while he was attempting to convert fifty million dollars into bitcoin and that he's currently the prime suspect in a triple murder at a wedding in Austria.
HITMAN II Campaign There’s not a very specific time frame between Hitman and Hitman 2’s campaign but after “The Nightcall” I feel there’s very little space for anything else to happen, thus I have decided to not have any thing interrupt the main campaign of Hitman 2, this would likely make for a better playing experience too.
The Nightcall
The Finish Line
Three-Headed Serpent
Chasing A Ghost
Another Life
The Ark Society
Golden Handshake
The Last Resort
And of course onto Hitman III which directly follows the events of Hitman 2
As mentioned previously if anything major comes to contradict this listing, I’ll be sure to retroactively adjust it when able.
On Top Of The World
Death In The Family
Apex Predator
End Of An Era
The Farewell
And that’s everything featured in the World of Assassination trilogy!
I didn’t include the holiday missions or Elusive Targets as they make less sense than the MLM missions and if you’ve read this thing you know my problems with that.
And now for the people you don’t like to read my rambling, I present the concise TL:DR listing.
Guided Training
Freeform Training
The Final Test
The Icon
Illusions of Grandeur
The Pen And The Sword
Embrace of The Serpent
Crime and Punishment
The Landslide
A House Built on Sand
The Showstopper
World Of Tomorrow
A Guided Cage
Club 27
The Source
Freedom Fighters
Situs Inversus
The Author
The Vector
Patient Zero
The Last Yardbird
The Nightcall
The Finish Line
Three-Headed Serpent
Chasing A Ghost
Another Life
The Ark Society
Golden Handshake
The Last Resort
On Top Of The World
Death In The Family
Apex Predator
End Of An Era
The Farewell
Well you’ve reached the end, I must thank you for reading this mess of time line.
If you have any suggestions or comments on how this could be improved, disagree on how I’ve placed something or just want to call me a idiot for trying to string together mission that might not even be canon, feel free to deposit you thoughts below.
submitted by ImARoadcone_ to HiTMAN [link] [comments]

20Cogs - I've earned £344 (and growing)! Here's my referral link, screenshots of confirmed money and a description of how it works

I've received my money in to my bank account from 20Cogs and can confirm for certain that it is a great way to earn some easy free money.
My first withdrawal proof: Screenshot of bank account Screenshot of 20Cogs account earnings in November 2020
PROOF of £340 earnings: Screenshot of 20Cogs account earnings as of today Jan 30th 2021
This post is a walk though my experience of it, some helpful info and some proof screenshots.I want to share my referral link as using this site has been really positive for me and paid some bills this winter!
When you sign up using my link you get a £5 bonus: referral link. We both benefit from you using my link as I will receive the value of 5% of your earnings too. I hope you find this information worthwhile, and I am happy to answer questions and provide more screenshots in the comments.
**How it works:*\* Starting at Cog 1, you select from a choice of offers and complete a sign-up to unlock the cog. Once complete you move on to the next. Each completed cog earns you money.
You cash out when all the cogs are completed. You can speed through (like me) and earn less, or you can play the slow game and wait for better offers. Average is apparently around £200.
Examples of my offers:
Download the Yolt app - £5 reward
Amazon Prime free trial - £5 reward
LottoGo deposit £1.00 - £7 reward
Free 14 day Ancestry trial - £2 reward
Screenshot of cog examples
I had heard of and trusted basically every site I signed up to. Some of the offers you can spend money on, but you don't have to. I prefer not to. For instance, you can pay £1.99 for a Graze box and 20Cogs rewards you £4. You always have around 5 offers to choose from so there's always an option to not spend any money.
I spent £1 on the lotto offer as the reward from 20Cogs is £7. Then I won a fiver! Boom.
You can complete more than one offer on each cog, but I advise doing that at the end once each cog is confirmed and Cog 20 is unlocked ready for cash out. Once you have completed 20cogs and cashed out you can continue to earn and cash out repeatedly as long as earnings are over £5. GREAT news! Since collecting my £169.98 I have earned a further £174.34!
Screenshot of two complete tasks on one cog Screenshot of my 20Cogs account earnings
It's definitely worth it for a slow but steady earner. I checked mine quickly for new offers each day and chose to complete a new cog roughly on a weekly basis. It works well on both phone and desktop.
I started on 15th August 2020 and received my first payment on 25th November 2020.
Easy peasy. Nowt to lose. Feel free to ask me questions!
Imgur album link for all linked screenshots/proof:
Referral link Nonref link

edit: formatting
submitted by Melly-The-Elephant to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

Yeah, I have a problem...

Hi everyone, new here. Briefly read through some of the recent posts many of which sound a lot like my own struggle/story.
I'm in my mid 30s and have been losing every dime of my paychecks weekly since I was about 17. It all started with online poker - around the late 90s when sites like PokerStars and PartyPoker started popping up (and not checking I.D. as KYC laws and online gaming regulation wasn't really formed, with poker being a grey area in terms of it's "game of skill" status). Basically back then if you were underage you could just go buy a prepaid visa card from the local store and use that to deposit.
Without realizing consciously that I was starting to develop a pretty expensive habit. I spent most of my late teens and early 20s selling weed and working shitty jobs. The urge to gamble grew and my situation got really dark as I began stealing. First it was stuff like borrowing money from friends and girlfriends without thinking or caring about how I would pay them back. Then I began finding stuff around the house I figured I could sell without my parents knowing. Making e-check deposits on gambling sites with an empty bank account.

Once e-check deposits became a thing I basically just ran around opening new bank accounts once one was deep in the red and just ignoring the calls/collection mail. Eventually there were no more banks that I could open an account with. Then one day I found my parents checkbook sitting on the living room table.

In my mind, I could just do a quick $100 deposit, win at least $100 and get it back in-hand before their bank statement came in the mail. Or at worse just act like I didn't know anything about it when I would inevitably be asked about the strange charge. So I play with the $100, end up losing it before I saw any profits and decided, well, we're already in deep shit when they call the transaction company associated with the charge and get the full story.

So I deposit another $200 to remedy the situation...
and then $300... $500... and within 3 days I had made $4700 in charges on their account. A day or two after the deposits kept getting declined I came downstairs with my parents sitting on the sofa, bank statements in hand and said "Son have a seat we need to talk about something". Before I could make it to my seat I was already balling my eyes out. I explained that every deposit was an attempt to fix the previous mistake ect ect and it was really the only time where what I had done and how I was living finally hit as reality.

So fast forward 15 years later and here I am, still living with my parents. I have no real possessions or hobbies because i've sold everything of value to gamble along the years. Doing food delivery in a car that has 430,000 miles on it, working for companies that allow me to cash out my earnings on a daily basis. Unable to save a simple $2000 for an old beater replacement car before the one I have takes a dump on me. I literally have less than $500 to my name and I just got my stimulus money 4 days ago. I don't know what the hell i'm supposed to do to get on the right track and start making some progress in life. My friends and family have the patience of saints - that and I suppose they just feel bad or basically look down on me. Just last night I deposited $100 for slots and hit a $900 spin... but what do I do? Crank up my bet and watch it all wither away within a couple hours.

As I finish this wall of text I just shrug and tell myself "All I can do is just avoid gambling, avoid the triggers" but i've been here more times than I can even remember. This is painful. I hate it. I feel like a selfish, bored, simple, and unhappy person.
submitted by DreamFeature to problemgambling [link] [comments]

If you've ever thought "I gawk on spending $x on a hobby but I'll gladly spend hundreds or thousands on gambling" ...

I'm 50 days gamble free after being addicted for 4 years. Apart from paying my bills I now have money to spend on my hobbies! I love to cook and bake and spend my time doing that.
Back when I was gambling heavily, I would gamble all of my discretionary money away all while thinking "That fancy garlic press is $30, that's way too expensive." "Let's put $100 in an online slot instead!" Of course, if I won, I would just keep playing until I lost. If I lost, I would deposit more money until I cleared my bank account. Then I would be pissed off, have absolutely no money, and no damn garlic press.
Ever since I stopped gambling, I can save more and buy those little discretionary purchases that are more useful and bring much more happiness than the highs and lows of gambling.
If you've ever gawked at spending $120 for a nice dinner out or $40 on a video game or $20 on a kitchen tool but will gladly spend 10x that on gambling, I just want you to know those expenses will make you much happier than playing a slot machine or blackjack will. And, unlike gambling, you'll have something to show for it whether it be a happy memory of eating a nice steak with your loved one or a physical tool you can use for your hobby.
submitted by danstecz to problemgambling [link] [comments]

Ultimate Casino Cashback Guide - Earn over £500 - Every Offer Explained!

This guide aims to outline all of the best gambling cashback offers available over a range of sites, following this guide you should be able to make over £500 in cashback
Note - Cashback often takes a while to payout, bear this in mind when completing offers as you may have to wait to cashout your earnings
When completing these offers don't chase any loses as the cashback will give you a profit with nerly every offer
A short review of each site and some referral links
Topcashback - Cashback will show as tracked within a few days, can take a few weeks to become payable, in some cases even longer, asides from gambling they have great offers for car insurance and mobile phone contracts, worth taking a look to save some extra money!
Ref - Extra £5 when you make £10 cashback
Non-Ref - No reward
Quidco - Much the same as Topcashback
Minimum payment - £10
Ohmydosh - Faster Payouts but less offers
Ref - Extra £1
Non-Ref - No reward
Minimum payout - Any
Cashback Earners - A lesser known site in need of a fresh look, this site also has some bad reviews, referal income is paid to the site on a monthly basis with the dates for each site being different, offers don't seem to show as tracked until the website receive their payment, cashback should appear in your account within 1 month of completing an offer. Cashout amounts are specific, its best to build up a balance and then withdraw. Payment takes around 3 weeks.
Ref - Sign up bonus £6.5
Non-Ref - Sign up bonus £6.5
Minimum payout is £20
Payment Proof - Payments for all sites can be seen here, quidco isn't shown as i have signed up for all the casinos on offer through topcashback

How to Maximize Profit - IMPORTANT - READ THIS

For the majority of these offers you want to play blackjack following the chart found here
Any blackjack game will do, look for a normal version of the game at the site you are playing on and make sure it is a non live game as the hand sizes will be lower.
When playing blackjack there will often be more than one spot that you can bet on, allowing the player to bet more than one hand at a time, Its important to only bet on one spot at a time as it reduces the variance of the game and will ensure you get the maximum return possible from the game, stick to £1 hand sizes when playing and dont be tempted to bet larger amounts as you will be getting a nice amount of cashback from every offer
Through playing blackjack this way the player will get a return of around 98%, meaning for every £100 staked you will lose around £2. If you make a loss on a casino site after completing the required wagering amount, withdraw your remaining balance, don't chase loses as the cashback will make up for loses and give you a profit in most cases.
All offers are updated fairly regularly, make sure to check the terms for each offer as information in this post may become outdated. Also check for other offers every now and then as new casinos are added!

TopCashBack Offers - £400+ Profit

Topcashback Referral - Get an extra £5 - See the Ref Link at the top of the page!
If you dont already have an account at top cashback, you can sign up through my referral to get an extra £5 added to you account once you make £10 cashback
Lottoland - Cashback £15
Add £11 and play 11 separate £1 hands, following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Betfair Casino - Cashback £70
Note this is not the poker offer
Add £50 to your account and play 50 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Quidco are offering £100 for this offer
Party Casino - Cashback £26.5
Deposit and play 30 single £1 hand son blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Tombola - Cashback £24.5
Deposit £10 and open the tombola roulette game, choose a £1 chip size and choose 5 spots, repeat this twice, withdraw any remaining balance, you will likely lose money here but the cashback will give you a profit
Coral - Cashback £46
Add £10 and play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Bingoport - Cashback £3
Sign up to bingoport to get an easy £3
Ladbrokes - Cashback £42
Add £10 to your account and play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Pokerstars - Cashback £32
Add £25 and play 25 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
STS - Cashback £21
Add £30 to your account and play 30 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
William Hill - Cashback £54
add £25 and play 25 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Megacasino - £15.75
Add £25 - Play 25 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
LottoGo - Cashback £3.18
Buy a euromillions ticket
Slingo - Cashback £24.75
Add £10 play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
PaddyPower Games - Cashback £20
Add £10 play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
The Football Pools - Cashback £24.75
Sign up for the £10 a month subscription, cancel this after 30 days
Lottomart - Cashback £18
Add £10 - Play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Genting Slots - Cashback £25
Add £30 play 30 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
OhMyDosh - Cashback £40+
Referral gives an extra £1, sign up through the ref link at the top of the post to get the bonus!
Gala Bingo - Cashback £17.50
Deposit at least £5, you'll get a £10 slots bonus and 100 free spins, these carry hefty wagering requirements, Open any slot and play the minimum spin size, play until you lose all of the money in your account or complete the wagering requirements on the bonus funds. Withdraw any remaining balance.
BGO - £10 Cashback
Deposit at least £15. Play 15 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance. DONT ACCEPT the welcome bonus from BGO.
Lottosocial - Cashback £4
Sign up to Lotto Social - Use your correct phone number when joining as it is the only way to login to your account. Purchase 10 lines for £1, after making a purchase go to your account page and find the list of syndicates your are in, leave the syndicates to avoid making any more payments.
Cheeky Bingo - £10 Cashback
Deposit £10 and get a £40 welcome bonus, just play bingo with all of your funds and hope to get some wins, bonus has 4x wagering requirements.

Quidco - Cashback £100+

Quidco don't offer a sign up bonus, find my ref link at the top of the post if you want to help me out!
All of the offers on quidco are much the same as topcashback, the only offer worth noting is the betfair casino offer which pays £100
Betfair - £100 cashback
Add £100 and play 100 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.

Cashbackearners - Cashback £180+

Sign up Bonus
Get a £6.5 sign up bonus, think this works with or without the ref link, links are at the top of the post!
To find these offers just search for casino on the site.
All of these offers state that you only need to make a deposit, its best to play through the deposit 1x to ensure that the cashback is paid.
LuckyMeSlots - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Spin Genie - Cashback £12.5
Add £12.5 and play 12.5 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Cashmo - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
Ice36 -Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Spinhill Casino - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Galacasino - Cashback £30
add £30 and play 30 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Casino765 - Cashback £12.5
Add £12.5 and play 12.5 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Casinosuperwins - Not recommended, bad site, awful support
Casino2020 - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play through £15 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
Pocketwin - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
The Sun Vegas - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
DrSlot - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
MrSpin - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
PrimeCasino - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
ConquestAdor - Cashback £10
Add £10 play 10 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
MFortune - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
Thanks for reading, hope this of use to some people, happy earning!
submitted by Leth96 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

Version 1.0.5 - Tasks is now out!

As the title says, update 1.0.5 is out now for everyone. If you want to read the patch notes, join the discord: IdleOn Server
PATCH NOTES (for those who don't want to join the sever)

New Content

----TASKS ----
• 18 Tasks, each one can be 'reinforced' 10 times (basically re-complete it, but its harder). So 180 tasks, kinda.
• 16 Task-Shop items. These range from bonuses, to exclusive Anvil Recipes (some of these will be LOCKED behind completing a specific task, at a specific reinforced-difficulty). They'll cost 'merits' you get from tasks.
• 40+ Recipes to unlock in the "TaskPoint Unlock" system. Every time you reach a certain milestone of Task Points, like 100, or 250, you get +1 unlock to use on the recipe of your choice! Use enough unlocks, and youll unlock MORE unlockable recipes!
---- CARDS ----
• Collects cards from every monster / resource in the game!
• Collect multiple of the same card to RANK IT UP! Bronze, Silver, Gold, I got all the colours of the podium babyyy!
• Equip cards onto your characters -- Each card has a different bonus, and the higher the rank of the card, the better the bonus!
---- ETC ----
• Mining minigame added!
• Desert Boss added (wont drop the Blue Crystal required for world 3 though)
• Crystal monsters now spawn in Desert!
• Chaotic version of World-1 boss now available! It has 15x more HP than world 2 boss, so don't waste your keys here unless your a legend

Player Added Suggestions

• Carry Capacities / Inventory Slots / Storage slots used per character is now viewable! (It'll be the 3rd tab (next to "Skill Info", above your player stats)
• "Split Stack" feature added. Simply enable it in the Storage Left-side Menu, then click on an item, and select how many you'd like to take out of the stack!
• Quest-helper highlights Main Quests in yellow, with a STAR to boot!
• Talents that rely on 'Power of 10' stuff will show you EXACTLY what's going on! Very helpful for people who dont have calculators installed in their brain.
• "AFK time to be claimed" can be viewed from the 'swap player' UI. Just press the Clock in the top-right to toggle on!
• If you switch to an empty world, the game will REMEMBER this so you WONT have to keep doing this each time you play! Helpful for those who need to be on an empty world to avoid lag!
• "Max Withdraw / Deposit" button added to storage money system

Balance Changes

• World 1 boss does much less damage. I'm helpin' you out casual gamers... just this once time, until i probably do it again at leasthandshake
• Quarterstaff (1st 'mage only' staff) now costs Copper Bars to make, not Iron Bars
• You will have to re-make Iron Boots
• Snakeskinventory Bag drop rate boosted by 1.25x
• Mimic Inventory Bag drop rate boosted by 3x

Bug Fixes

• Fishing afk info screen was messed up in several ways, now isnt
• Efficiency skills for warriors/archers now work fully
• Prowess, which is the orange bar-system that gives multiple resources now works as intended.
• Obol names corrected
• Desert Colosseum chests now give their own unique rewards, instead of just giving Grassland rewards
• Using EXP balloons wont jank up your inventory, and are extra inflated!
• 6 of the purple bubbles were not working at all due to cutoff in my code. now they all work
• STRONGEST STATUES talent now gives the correct bonus
• HAUNGRY FOR GOLD talent now gives the correct bonus
• Goldric's Hoopsie quest now correctly identifies total hoops made
• Fly in Minigame now doesnt say 'hey lava, your game sucks! im outta here'
• Player's wont glitch out in their animation if you have Auto ON and have all monsters on screen killed
• play minigame button cannot be accidentally pressed through UI
• Sproutinald's 'justice wears no clothes' quest now tracks naked kills
• sproutinald wont appear in multiple places, nor will TP pete
• upgrading bubbles now always takes away materials.
And a bunch of other things that I didn't really care to write down, and are small enough they wouldn't be worth your time to read
Also invest in kuakacoin :D
submitted by KuakaTime to idleon [link] [comments]

TPP Fused Crystal Summary: Day 7

Previously on Fused Crystal, we got all of the available badges and ran into an insurmountable problem with a Machine Part and a Waterfall. Y had a bad time and we got some new teammates, so now all seems right with the world. Where to now…?
We spend the rest of the day training with JKilt off the coast of Cinnabar since there's a surprising number of Fire-types in the water. How long may it be before we finally breach the gates of Victory Road? And just who awaits us atop the sacred Mount Silver? Hopefully we'll learn all that and more, next time!
submitted by Hajimeilosukna to twitchplayspokemon [link] [comments]

New Era of Online Crypto Casinos

I would say that I'm relatively new to Reddit and the one thing that surprised me is the number of people that still play on Bovada, Ignition, Betonline, MyBookie, etc. Don't get me wrong, great sites for sports betting and poker, but absolutely horrendous when it comes to slots and live casino games.
Hitting 1,000x on a slot on Bovada is like a once in a lifetime achievement and the live dealer provider is... awful.
Over the past month or so, I have seen this Reddit flooded with random users promoting a bunch of shitty no-name crypto casinos that have been around for like 3 days. So I figured it was my duty, as somebody who has no ownership interests in any of these online crypto casinos, to share my thoughts regarding the ones that I believe are trustworthy. All of which is based on first-hand experience and countless hours of research.
First off, for those who aren't familiar with crypto casinos, the one thing that you need to know, as an American, is that you'll need to access these sites via a VPN. Personally, I use ExpressVPN and connect to Canada (or various other regions depending on which slot provider is available). The nice thing about ExpressVPN is that you can download the app and play on your phone. All of the casinos listed below allow VPN usage. Apparently NordVPN is pretty good too, but I cannot vouch for them personally.
Second thing, KYC is not required. Honestly haven't looked into this too much, but I can tell you from first-hand experience that KYC is not required in order to register or withdraw funds. All you have to do is confirm your email address. Some people have said you get KYC'd if you try to withdraw more than $2k, but again, I can confirm that it's not true (specifically for the casinos listed below). Just make sure that you only deposit/withdraw via crypto and you'll be fine. If you think this is sketchy, then please, continue making your credit card deposits at Bovada to random shell companies based out of China.
Also, DO NOT USE COINBASE TO TRANSFER TO AND FROM THE CASINO. They banned me. It hurt. Don't make the same mistake. I recommend using BRD as an intermediary between Coinbase and the casino. Since being banned from Coinbase, I have been using to buy and sell crypto. Nothing but good things to say thus far.
Finally, I have wagered roughly $3.5MM in total across the sites below and have spent countless hours researching them, so I'd like to think that I somewhat know what I'm talking about. In no way am I an expert and in no way am I a high roller or a whale. Just a regular guy that enjoys gambling.
Now the common theme amongst the below casinos is that you have access to game providers such as Evolution (live games), Pragmatic, NetEnt, Thunderkick, Push, etc. that you'll never find on the casinos advertised as available to US players (such as Bovada). As I'm sure you know, Betsoft slots can get old after a while.
Just a few of my personal favorite games that I recommend you check out...
Live Games: Crazy Time, Monopoly, Evolution Blackjack and Evolution Speed Baccarat
Slots: Dead or Alive 2, Money Train 2, Lil' Devil, Sweet Bonanza and The Dog House

Site #1: (Best for casual gamblers)
What I like: Instant withdrawals, huge selection of slots and live games, generous rakeback system, instant bitcoin deposits (they will credit your account before receiving any confirmations-- this is really nice), every so often they'll run a 24 hour promotion where if you hit 100x on slot betting at least $1 you'll be "King Roo" (basically King of the Hill) and accumulate ~$20 per minute until you're dethroned
What I don't like: Rakeback system only allows you to collect every 24 hrs/1 week/1 month, no clarity surrounding VIP status (assuming you need to be a whale), there was one instance where I won $36k on a $40 bet playing Reactoonz and was told I can only withdraw $10k per day (this was 6 months ago and never had an issue withdrawing since), lack of sports betting
My largest withdrawal (at once): $9.9k
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods: BTC, ETH
Referral link to enable rakeback system without having to wager a shitload: (you can also use code "hkgambler13")

Site #2: (Best for medium-high rollers)
What I like: Instant withdrawals, huge selection of slots and live games, incredible VIP and rakeback system (weekly/monthly bonuses, rakeback can be claimed whenever, daily/monthly challenges to earn extra cash), active and friendly chat community, multiple crytpo deposit options where your account is credited in that currency (meaning your balance equivalent in USD will swing with the market-- could be seen as a con), enjoyable "Stake Original" games that have a higher RTP than 3rd party slots, averages ~2k users online at any given time
What I don't like: Can be overwhelming for first time players (Roobet is much more straight forward and easy to use)
My largest withdrawal: $13.2k
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods: BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE, BCH, XRP (highly recommend-- cheap transfer fee, if any at all, and confirmed within seconds), TRX, EOS
Referral link to instantly enable 10% rakeback:

Site #3: (Best for gamers)
What I like: Instant withdrawals, huge selection of slots and live games, newly implemented rakeback system, constant "rains" in the chat (which is free money if you join in time), ability to instantly deposit and withdraw via Rust and TF2 items (could spend an hour talking about this-- generally caters to those who cannot get crypto or have to use a CC to buy crypto), averages ~1.5k users online at any given time
What I don't like: Prior to the newly implemented rakeback system rains and level-up chests were the only "rakeback", your balance is denominated in coins (1500 coins = $1 USD), browsing through their slot selection can be a pain in the ass
My largest withdrawal (at once): $7.4k
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods: BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC
Referral link to receive a free chest that could be worth up to ~$53: (you can also use code "chase")

Final parting words: PLEASE DO NOT GAMBLE WITH MONEY THAT YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE. Gambling is not a money making method and you will lose in the long run. The purpose of my post is to make those aware that other trustworthy online casinos are available for Americans that will (hopefully) make gambling online a bit more enjoyable!
submitted by GolfAndGamble to OnlineCryptoGambling [link] [comments]

New to online Slots? - Starter guide/tips for newbies playing online slots

Okay so I decided to create this guide with the hopes of it becoming a sticky thread for all newbies to the online slots world, to read as we deal with the same topics repeatedly and the same answers/advice are given repeatedly. Not that we do not want to help, but these would prevent you from getting into situations before its too late, or blaming casinos when you were in the wrong.
Signing up or Registration
Registration – Please carefully read the general terms and conditions about every "Right" the casino has and please note that you accepted these terms upon signing up, which means you are saying you are okay with it and agree with what the casino state about what they can and cannot do.
Claiming Bonuses
Read the bonus terms carefully before claiming any bonuses and look for the following pointers when reading the bonuses rules:
There are other bonus terms that I have not mentioned but I think the above ones are the most important as these could affect you in terms of confiscation of your winnings should you breach any of them.
This is pretty much standard for a casino to ask for some form of Identification, proof of address and proof of deposit when requesting a withdrawal. Depending on the amount win, some casinos might not need documents, however when a substantial amount has been won additional verification or security checks might be done which means a longer withdrawal time frame. Verification or KYC is necessary, however I feel when casinos ask for selfies with your ID next to you etc. in my opinion is just ridiculous. Also, I have noticed some casinos requesting your source of income to see where you get the money to make deposits etc. This seems standard and you would need to do it to get your withdrawal, however all of us have different opinions about this verification procedure.
Many casinos have different withdrawal time frames and when you accept the general terms and conditions you have to a abide by them, by this I mean stop being impatient and complain that the casinos withdrawal time frames are the worst etc. As you knew this before you started playing provided you have read the terms and condition. You decided to deposit and play so then wait for your money, eventually it will come unless you breached some rule, or the casino is a rogue casino.
Here are some of the tips you should note when it comes to withdrawals at casinos:
Self-Exclusion is a big thing these days and most cases substantial amounts are involved that are being confiscated. There are at times very little that us forum members or even AskGamblers can do when a player self-excluded and played at a sister website or similar, as we know the result and of course the house is kind of right. However, I think it's bad that a casino only realizes the self-exclusion portion on a player profile once it reaches withdrawal stage, because I feel they should have something in place that can detect that you self-excluded upon registration or before you even make your first deposit. People with gambling problems tend to self-exclude but the alternative is to read this guide - . My advice is to keep your casino account open and do not play there anymore, because even if you request a permanent account closure, some casinos tend to self-exclude you without you knowing it and this would cause problems in future since you opened another account at their sister website or something.
submitted by Sea_Yogurtcloset_752 to bestcasinoscanada [link] [comments]

My experience applying for BTO as a first timer single

In the recent Aug 2020 BTO sales launch, I decided to apply for a 2 Room BTO as a single. I am detailing the process here in hope of helping other similar first timers trying to apply for a BTO flat. I thought a guide would be useful. Some of these may look like common sense but bear with me la.
Before applying, things to take note:
BTO Sales is launched. You are given one week to apply for the flat. I recommend applying as soon as you can because I think the ballot number is based on order of application. At this point you should start preparing your HDB Housing Loan Eligibility letter (HLE) from HDB, or Approval in Principle (AIP) from the bank, whichever institution you decide to loan from. I can't advise on this because I'm using neither. I don't like borrowing money heh.
Wait for results. After about two weeks, the ballot results will be out. If you sign up for the SMS alert they may or may not alert you via SMS (Or be late about it). You can check the HDB portal periodically for the status, or if you check daily thread people will usually post about their ballot number being too high/quite small. Apparently this is like tioing TOTO. My first time round applying it was Sales of balance flats and I failed to get any number. This time my ballot number was three digits, a little bigger than the number of flats available, so I'm quite lucky I guess. Even if your number is like 20 more than the ballot number, you might still have a chance because the numbers before your might cancel their application.
This is where I got a little confused. I excitedly went into the HDB portal, clicked on my ballot number and there was a button for open booking of flats. It stated that "there are no available flats left for singles left". So of course I thought I no longer had a chance in booking a flat but...
You receive an invitation to book your flat. Mucho confusion. I thought no more flats for singles left? During the days up to the appointment date so many wild thoughts were running through my mind because of the earlier message. But I decided to chalk it up as a glitch in the system and went ahead and prepared the documents. Even now, after I have booked my flat I still have this innate fear that it wouldn't be approved because of this.
You have to download the application form, annexes, HLE or AIP, required documents, EHG application form, Appointment letter (You need this for gaining access to HDB sales office during Covid period. I'm not sure about before or after Covid). Just print out everything la better be safe than sorry. This is where your pay slips for past 12 months come into play cos you need them for grant application. Try to clear your date and time for the appointment because you can't change it. Alternatively, you can ask somebody else to go in your stead but why would you entrust that to someone else, unless it's your SO or someone with a good grasp on what you want.
My SIL and bro drove me to the site before the appointment date so that I could make an informed choice on which is the ideal unit among those left. I highly recommend visiting the site before your appointment. Study the site map and unit placements to choose your unit. As my ballot number was greater than the available flats, the good units (no blocked view, corner unit, higher floor) were all taken liao so left with some that had shortcomings, but what to do. I didn't want to waste my chance. You can check the units that are still available on your HDB web portal, when you click on "application status" there will be a "Flats available" option.
Edit: (courtesy of u/brownriver12's input: have a list of flats ready in case yours really gets potong jalaned.
i think like check the night before (when selection has closed for the day), then make up to 30 choices, depends on what time is your appointment slot. also once you reach the counter, yell your unit so the hdb officer can 'chope' the unit while she processes your documents.
Go for your appointment. And bring all those documents your printed. Check and double check the night before. I put mine in a folder. Do not be late for your appointment lest your flat choice be potong jalaned by someone else. If you miss the appointment time they'll give your slot to the next person in the ballot queue. Then you gg might have to wait until 12noon or something. While you are waiting, there will be displays on monitors at the waiting area mounted on the pillars, and you can see for yourself what are the flats slowly getting booked by other applicants. Don't think it really helps with the jitters leh. Really macam betting TOTO or at the stock exchange. LMAO.
eEdit: When you reach the counter, yell out your unit number so that the officer can chope your unit immediately to prevent someone else getting to it. Because there are other people booking flats concurrently. (contributed by u/brownriver12) The HDB officer will process your documents and ask you to sign a bunch of stuff, explain your flat price, assorted legal fees and your financing options. Pay close attention to what she or he i saying. You'll have to pay an option fee of $500, which will be refunded when you make the down payment. During this process my heart was pounding and I almost teared up because it is a poignant moment when I'm making one of the major decisions in my life.
Your grant application will be approved in one to two month's time and the appointment to sign the lease agreement about two or three four months time.
Aaaand this is where I'm at right now, waiting for the results with mixed feelings. Did I make the right decision? Too late, I've already done the deed. So now I have about two years, give or take, to plan and save for my renovation and furniture. Argh.
Please note that all the forms I stated above are correct at present time. But the government may decide to change the grant (last year got more grants for singles!) again so check again ok?
Edit: some formatting issues and added some details.
Please excuse any inaccuracies because I'm just basing this on what I (don't) know/remember.
Edit 2 (31 Dec 2020): I went to check on the status a week or so ago and my EHG grant got approved! Now waiting for the appointment.
Edit 3:Went for signing of lease agreement on Tuesday, 2nd Feb 2021. This appointment not as strict as selection flats. You can reschedule the appointment if you can't make it (Which I did cos i had flu symptoms the day before and thought i should see a doctor and get swabbed. That's another story for another day..) Your flat isn't going anywhere.
Bring your ic and mobile phone wth singpass 2FA setup. Aso have your bank account number ready so that they can refund you the deposit. You can choose between refunding to your bank account or cpf. Ofc choose bank account la otherwise i won't be able to touch it at all.
At this point you're supposed to pay 10% down payment. Either through your cpf or cashier's order if not enough. Your appointment letter will explain what you need to bring. Think that % if you're taking bank loan is different. The hdb officer should have explained to you when you selected the flat so pay attention.
The officer will tell you estimated date of key collection. Mine is about two years later Jan 2023. Then after appointment go eat Jollibee at novena one station away.
Yay!!! Time to look for reno ideas. See y'all in two year's time. I'll probably make a new post if I'm still around.
submitted by blackwoodsix to singapore [link] [comments]

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