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TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.
To preface, this post is meant to elucidate some of the properties of magic: how it exists and functions in the world of Runeterra. For the purposes of this post, I will not go into much depth regarding the complex magics, and will instead primarily refer to the main 3 “streams”. Points will be backed up using reliable sources, Scathlocke being the Head of all things Narrative and Worldbuilding-wise in Lore. That being said, until Riot releases information on Universe or Nexus, (while unlikely) things are liable to change regarding information provided by Rioters in twitter and boards replies, thus should be taken with a grain of salt.


The Origins of Magic:

As Runeterra, an amalgamation of the Spiritual and Material/Physical realms, was created by an unknown race of Celestials using the World Runes, all magic can be said to have roots in the Celestial Realm. While that might make it seem superior, being the originator, think of it more like it fostered the growth of the realms to becoming their own distinct units.

In the League of Legends Universe (main), magic exists in three distinct forms: Celestial, Spiritual and Elemental. From there, you have multiple blends and combinations.
N.B. The energy produced by those of the Void is NOT magic.


Fundamentally, each main stream encompasses specific concepts, one is not inherently better than the other and, to varying extents, each is able to mimic some of the effects of the other:

  • - Celestial Magic deals with creation and pure ideals, thus can also include maintenance, change and destruction.
  • - Spirit Magic deals with mental and emotional concepts, life as well as reality and the perception of it.
  • - Elemental Magic deals with the manipulation of the physical world and the physical laws and rules of reality (Physics).

Magic exists ambiently; flowing as metaphysical rivers and streams throughout the world similar in concept to ley lines. Areas where magic is high in concentration will commonly produce the most number of natural born mages, to the point where it is less likely for one to not possess the ability to use/do magic. The reverse is true for those born in an area where ambient magic is low in concentration. This is evidenced with Ionia and Ixtal, being fonts of Elemental and Spiritual magic respectively, whereas a region like Demacia; surrounded and founded upon magic nullifying petricite, very few mages are produced.

Each stream of magic flows from an origin source: Celestial magic flows from the Celestial Realm as well as the World Runes, Spiritual Magic originates from the Spiritual Realm, and Elemental Magic from the Physical realm, all suffusing into the material plane.
Regions where the barriers between realms are weakest and the magic flows strongest are known as “fonts” of magic. Ionia is an example of this in regards to spirit magic. To varying extents, use of each main branch can mirror the other and produce similar effects, even if not strictly the same source/magic type (e.g. all can produce fire).
As said before, Ionia is a font of spirit magic. The barriers between the mortal and spirit realm are less distinct, thereby allowing the two to interact in strange, exotic manners. As a result, spirit magic suffuses and saturates the lands of Ionia. However, raw concentrated spirit magic has chaotic, unpredictable effects upon reality, making the environment a dangerous place. As such, humans erected Quinlons in Ionia to restrict and filter the flow of magic from the fonts. Quinlons being man-made magical filters that limit the amount of magic flowing from the spirit realm into Ionia... they also filter out the more chaotic/negative energy, concentrating it into a liquid-like substance (IchoTears). When tattooed upon the skin or consumed, this concentrated negative magic enables the use and manipulation of shadow magic (used to great effect by Zed and his Order). Currently, the agreement between humans and Vastaya has been shattered: The Quinlons are restricting too much magic, and Zed’s Order actively alters some to fuel their shadow magic. The vastaya, requiring magic to live similarly to how we need air to live, are understandably not too ecstatic.

Theoretically, Targon would serve as a font of Celestial magic seeing as the barriers between the mortal and Celestial Realm are thinnest near the peak, thereby allowing the easiest interaction and allowing the magic to suffuse onto the physical plane.
A region serving as a font of magic doesn't necessarily mean only that type of magic is present. It just acts as a source.
One doesn't have to be on a ley line/stream to do magic... the effects and efficiency just increase with proximity, similar to a wifi/cell signal. As they encompass the entirety of Runeterra, you are almost always guaranteed to have some signal (barring specific scenarios/anomalies.)


How Magic is Used:

Anyone and everyone can learn to harness magic, however, not everyone is born with the talent. These lucky individuals are known as mages.
From what we’ve seen, mages don't quite generate magic per se, they access what is naturally present, interacting with the ambient magic in the environment rather than directly producing it. More akin to vessels than generators, their strength and aptitude likely depends on how much they can store, channel, shape and emit (as well as restore) at any given time. But, as said by Ryze in “From the Ashes” magic likes to be used, not stored… similar to the air we hold in our lungs… a quite apt comparison that will be explained further below in theory crafting. This is the trend for most mortals.
Those born of magic, those with magic WITHIN them, as part of them, often referred to as "magical" beings, are far more attuned to the magic out there in the world, able to interact and shape magic in ways most can’t even begin to fathom due to their intrinsic link. An example being the Vastaya, who are more innately connected to magic, requiring it to live (like how we need to breathe oxygen to survive). Their use of magic still follows the same principle of not being innately generated, yet their connection allows them to perceive and interact with the worlds in exotic ways. The Vastayashai’rei, the ancient ancestors of our modern Vastaya further demonstrate this: Originally mortals, they learnt how to be completely 1:1 between the material and spirit realms, taking in the spirit realm and becoming deathless, manipulating the magics of each realm… effectively becoming “super mages”.

The Axiomata is a system solely related to Elemental Magic and its manipulations to varying effects. It serves as a formulaic/diagrammatic system of understanding and manipulating elemental magic inspired by the flow of the natural “currents” of magic but itself isn't one of the flows, merely one understanding. It's a system of teaching and learning elemental magic, akin to studying strict formulas (or Axioms) based on rules. The benefit to it is that anyone can learn it, Ryze's critique of it would be that it limits and restricts magic's potential.

In The Axiomata (Short Story), a ley line was "tapped" and “swum” through, enabling Aliay to interact with the world in a broader, more encompassing fashion thereby allowing him to see and experience the outside world and glimpse ongoing events outside of Ixtal.

In terms of those who seem to directly challenge the established "magic isn't produced innately" principle, in a sense, they don't. Looking at the Aspects (the hosts more so than the actual Celestial Aspects) and the Ascended, they are directly (and indirectly for the Ascended) rigged to the Aspects, thereby serving as conduits and as such, are able to channel their power. Using Leona’s color story, "The Light Bringer" as an example:
“Leona let the fire into her blood, feeling the ancient creature merge its essence with hers more completely, becoming one with her senses and gifting her with perceptions not of this world.”
“She reached deep inside herself, drawing on the awesome power from beyond the mountain. The sun emerged from behind its highest peaks as Leona thrust her hand to the light.”
On the other hand, we have Syndra who seemingly produces magic. To an extent this is true, what she presumably does still falls in line with the fundamental concept of mages. While not officially shown on the League Universe, if we go by the original version of "The Dreaming Pool", "The Dreaming Cave" (which was edited for clarity and to cut down on length) Instead of being relegated to only using the ambient natural magics of the physical world, Syndra is able to rip magic directly from the Spiritual Realm.
“Syndra conjured another dark sphere—all of her bitterness, resentment and anger made manifest. Torn from the spirit realm across the threshold into reality, it hovered above her hand, slowly spinning.”

It's something that is unique to her and can be quite dangerous to the natural lands (as we know that pure, concentrated spirit magic flowing can have adverse, chaotic effects.)

Her magic leaches the lands of the natural, ambient magic, thereby causing something akin to "magical fallout" and irradiating the environment. This implies her magic is flooding and washing out the natural magics of the land… replacing it with hers: Raw, concentrated Spirit magic.
We know, from the information about Quinlons, that spirit magic in high concentrations is dangerous and adversely affects the physical realm, particularly when negative. Something further suggested in Syndra’s Biography:
”Such negativity had a strange, unpredictable effect on reality, and Syndra had grown far beyond his ability as a mentor.”
And further falls in line with information given to us about Fae’lor in “The Dreaming Pool” and Sisterhood of War Part 1: Old Wounds regarding the quality of the lands of the island before and after Syndra’s first and second rampages.
The fact that Syndra's mood state mirrors the effect of the Quinlons further substantiates this.

In regards to the specifics of how mages utilize magic (theory work that falls in line with everything we know):
This is a graph detailing the process of breathing, specifically as it relates to the volume of air present in the lungs at any given time. Tidal Volume is the range of normal, unconscious breathing: The volume inhaled and exhaled normally.
As shown in the graph, after breathing out at Tidal Volume (the decline at that level), there's still more air present in your lungs due to them not having fully deflated. Thus, even after breathing out at normal levels)more air may be expelled: Expiratory Reserve Volume.
The reverse is true for the process of inhalation: Inhalation at Tidal Volume, then continuing to inhale to reach the Inspiratory Reserve Volume.
(Deep breath in-> inspiratory reserve volume, deep breath out-> Expiratory reserve volume)... inhaling and exhaling a lot more air than you will in normal breathing... with the normal breathing level being tidal volume.
Big breaths In and Out usually require conscious intent, whereas the Tidal Volume is usually unconsciously regulated. After reaching the Expiratory Reserve Volume, more air still remains in the lungs, known as the Residual Volume. This is almost never accessed and exhaled, requires rigorous intent, and is dangerous to attempt. The total span of these is the Total Lung Capacity.

Now, to apply this concept to mages:
Most mages seemingly don’t consciously draw upon magic, rather they passively draw in and absorb magic, similar to the tidal volume of breathing. Following this logic, there would remain a base level of magic that "exists" within the mage... This doesn’t mean it is innately produced, it is just a sink that's partially filled. (For comparison, relate it to the Expiratory Reserve Volume.)
As such, most mages will only know about emitting magic... not absorbing it, because most of the time, they're just consciously pushing out and manipulating magic, instead of consciously drawing it in.
More adept mages know how to consciously draw in more magic than they'd normally have access to, and know how to regulate the intake, use and emission: Ryze in From the Ashes is an example of this, displayed when trying to teach Kegan:
“You do not create the air you breathe,” the sorcerer said. “You draw it inside you, letting it sustain you. You use it as your body requires, and then release it as you exhale. It is never yours. You are just a vessel for it. You breathe in, you breathe out. You are a channel through which air flows.”
Kegan made to release his breath, though his master shook his head.
“No. Not yet. Feel the air in your lungs, Kegan. Feel it pushing at the cage of your body. Feel it straining to escape.”
“Therein lies the problem,” his master observed, reading his posture. “I told you the air was not yours, yet you are thrilled with yourself for how long you kept it inside you. It is the same with magic. You want it, believing it can be owned. You cling to it, forgetting that you are merely a channel through which it passes. You choke it in your heart, and in your hands. And so the magic is strangled in your grip, because you see it as something to bind to your will. It is not, and never will be. It is like air. You must draw in what exists around you, use it for a moment, then let it free.”

Lissandra, in Legend of the Frozen Watchers, is another example:
“Summoning every last iota of the ancient magic around her, including that of her allies, she sacrificed everything to seal the rift-between-realms with True Ice, entombing the Watchers within it.”

When you try to take a deep breath in, the air eventually starts fighting to get out... the balloon is strained; you can't retain that level and, inevitably, the air escapes. Similarly to Ryze's explanation of why Kegan was failing at storing the magic.

From this, I posit what happens with mages around petricite is similar to what happens when you enter a vacuum: Those unaware and not consciously regulating the level of air will have their breath stolen. However, if you are aware, and know about the base concepts of consciously breathing, you will be able to store your air for a period of time before it gets taken. And with training, the level you are able to store, and the duration of which the breath may be held, increases. (You can relate this to holding your breath underwater, you know not to exhale... and if prepared, you know to inhale more than normal and hold your breath.)

Petricite nullifies magic by absorbing it, effectively sapping and stealing the mage’s reserves. For those aware of its properties, and adept at manipulating magic, they would be able to “hold their breath” i.e. hold their magic tightly for a short while, enabling them to continue controlled usage of it. An example of this is seen in the Ryze Cinematic, "Call of Power", when Ryze performs magic in the Petricite Forest.

It should be noted this isn't a literal 1:1 transition of concepts, it’d likely be much harder to recognize and consciously regulate the levels of magic (as displayed by Kegan), but the fundamental concept would remain the same.
To be clear though, this does not speak to the shaping of magic and how it manifests for each mage. How each mage manifests the phenomenon is tied to their ideals and the cultural influences shaping it and to an extent, is ultimately personal: e.g. Lux being tied to "light", and those in The Freljord being more inclined to ice and shamanistic magics etc.
As said before, each person's approach to magic is pretty unique... Even within the Yun Tal, there are proficiencies and unique understandings/perspectives of shaping magic, this is what enables them to keep making new axioms and experiment further).
To use an example that ties back to the theory proposed, Sylas' innate approach is to be able to see/sense it and copy/take that "template"... Akin to a copiecheater in class who takes someone's homework. If he learned, he likely would have the capacity to do his own crafting of spells/magic.
You can consider it the reverse of Lissandra/Ryze... in a sense (theory-wise), he's currently only able to inhale consciously and exhale passively (tidal volume-> Inspiratory Reserve Volume) but not quite able to do it passively. His "tidal volume" is negligible, but his "lungs" are very elastic so can inhale a lot, however, similarly to an untied balloon, would be forced to expel most of the magic once it's not being consciously drawn in. Added to this, there is likely a limit to how much he can take in at any given time, less he risks being overloaded.
The Petricite would therefore act as the containeoxygen tank for the magic absorbed... allowing him to access it whenever needed.. whereas without it, he's constantly been shown to immediately use the magic upon absorbing (can't hold it for long...if at all).
In regards to why he can't consciously absorb ambient magic, it's likely too diffuse and "unconcentrated"/""unstable", whereas the magic stored in petricite and other mages etc already has a stable template... concentrated in once place, thereby enabling to have a firmer "grasp". Sorta like how u can pick up a block of ice, but doing the same with water or vapor is much harder.... it "slips" out. Relating back to if his base volume is low, but the "elastic potential" of his "vessel" is high, the diffuse magic absorbed wouldn't be much in the first place, plus he hasn't innately adapted an application to shaping the magic himself, so he naturally does what he's best suited to: Inflating his proverbial balloon by filling with the concentrated, stabilized templates of others and emitting it (or storing in the petricite).
TLDR on mages, and Scath’s thoughts on the theory:

Relevant Reads on Universe:


Flavor of life information regarding entities seemingly comprised of magic: Spirits and Celestials.

Spirits are the natural denizens of the Spirit Realm, everything that exists upon the physical realm is said to have a spiritual reflection, as learned in Riven's color story, "Seams and Scars".

“I’m a mender,” she said as she held the pottery out to a wide-eyed Riven. “No need to replace anything.”
Riven took the plate and examined it. “How does it work?” she asked, running a finger down a thick black seam.
"Everything has a spirit, and every spirit wants to be whole. I ask them what they need to mend, and give it to them.”
The concept of “time” exists differently from how it does in the physical realm… if it exists at all (Evidenced by Bandle City, as well as the Vastaya Forests). Many spirits seemingly start as something primordial, shapeless, and barely sentient before being tied to varying concepts, fundamentally shaping their interaction with the world, as somewhat evidenced by Evelynn and the nature of the Spirit Gods (Spirit gods, if completely forgotten, revert to the state described). It is not known if this is true for all residents of the spirit realm. Yordles are fundamentally different from other spirits encountered. I.e. they are much more physical and “substantial”.
The Spirit Realm itself is also comprised of “pocket dimensions” that do not have a physical realm correlation. The Glade is an example of this, the dimension of the Fae (of which Lulu’s companion, Pix, is a part of). It is theorized that Bandle City may be an offshoot of The Glade.
When mortals die, their souls are transported to the Spirit Realm, upon whence they’ll be placed in the Afterlife/world. Many "afterlife/afterworld" pocket dimensions exist, Mitna Rachnum (Mordekaiser's death realm) is one of them. Rarely (relatively speaking) do souls make their way into Mordekaiser's realm however. The Shadow Isles deserves mention as the catastrophe that occured warped the rules of the natural worlds, as well as life and death. The raw necromantic (spiritual) magic that suffuses the lands has warped reality and stilled the passage of time. It has become a region of undeath as a result of the trapped souls being unable to truly pass on.

Aside from Yordles, the Fae and souls, other spirits exist, those standing out being Demons and Spirit Gods:

All demons are spirits, not all spirits are demons. I.e. Demons are a specific type of spirit. (This is for actual demons, not entities that have been labelled demonic despite being of human/physical or even celestial origin.) They subsist and feed on emotions, specifically those that are negative or overabundant to the point of negativity/overindulgence. They also perpetuate these feelings either directly, or indirectly in mortals. E.g. Evelynn feeds on agony and pain, and will seduce then torture people, feeding off of their pain. Tahm Kench on the other hand, subsists on misery resulting from greed, gluttony and addiction. He will tempt the person, and when they fall prey to that, will feed off of them. Demons can feed incrementally or devour the person wholly... sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically. Generally it ultimately results in the person's death.

Spirit Gods are best described as “spiritual embodiments of concepts and cultural ideals”. They are ancient beings granted relevance aeons prior to common mortal existence. They hearken back to when the barriers between realms were ephemeral, thus could gain footholds in the physical plane and mortal cultures. It is theorized that they were originally spirits of certain concepts that managed to link themselves to the culture of mortals, gaining power, form and true sapience due to the increasing worship and cultural attention. Others hypothesize that they themselves were completely “born” of the combined perceptions of a staunch faith. Whatever they may be, it has been noted to be incredibly unlikely for a new Spirit God to form as the conditions of the current worlds do not favor it. Instead it’ll be more likely for an already established entity to fill that attention.
Points to note regarding Spirits:
  • To an extent, every spirit so far has a basis on perception... Not everything is literally "I need you to believe in me for me to live." For demons, their source of "attention" or gaining sustenance is based on the emotion/mental energy that they are draining and perpetuating. Not necessarily a need for belief. Though many do have their own cults of worship, so it's likely that some of that energy can be fed upon too... but ultimately, it's the energy of the emotion/feeling/concept that needs to be there, not a belief.
  • A demon will take shape based on the desired appeal of the person perceiving them. To a lusty, heterosexual man, Eve will appear as an incredibly sexy, sultry lady, thereby tempting him to pursue her. Tahm Kench will appear as a seller or peddler of goods and fortunes, an auctioneer… perhaps even a Casino roulette. Whatever will appeal to and best exploit that person's inner weakness and temptations.
  • Spirits can physically take form by animating and using physical materials nearby, scrapping them together to achieve the desired form (As we see with Fiddlesticks and Volibear)... they can also materialize as condensed raw magic given form. There are rules and limitations guiding how they manifest of which we haven't been privy to. However, we can assume it's based on their current strength, abundance of magic around and the context of the situation. They can choose a form, but often will appear based on the perceptions and inherent beliefs and moods of the surrounding mortals. But yes, they can shapeshift and are the reason why the Vastayashai'rei and their descendants, the Vastaya, have such fluid form.

*Nagakabouros has been confirmed to be a Spirit God, born of the Spirit Realm. The true scope of her being is not known beyond being linked with Life, Chaos and Motion. Other examples of Spirit Gods include Kindred, the Freljordian Demigods and Janna. Demons include Fiddlesticks, Raum, Nocturne, Tahm Kench and Evelynn.

Those of the Celestial Realm are known as Celestials. The antithesis of the Void and its denizens, The Watchers. The Celestial Realm and its inhabitants are heavily centered around creation and maintenance. Not much is known about these timeless entities however they played a key role in the creation of the cosmos as well as Runeterra and its development as a whole. Fate and the celestial machinations guiding mortal existence can be interpreted by looking to the heavens however, to the ire of some, Mortals are not beholden to these preset destinies, and instead often create their own.
The Celestials that we know of are Aurelion Sol, his kin, The Aspects, Bard, and Soraka.
Aspects are the pure ideals/celestial concepts made “personified”, and will occasionally bind with a mortal host and traverse Runeterra to do whatever work is needed.
*(Edited in for clarity:) The Ascended are indirectly rigged to Aspects (celestial concepts). Ascension doesn't necessarily grant them celestial magic, it dramatically magnifies all of their previous traits.
I see you’ve reached the end, my weary traveler. Feast on some cookies and recoup. In regards to any questions and theories, happy to discuss in the comments. If in relation to the various creatures and their more specific interactions with Magic, The Great Chronicler, Sharjo, is doing a TL;DR on the Races of Runeterra which will likely touch on many of those aspects. So I'll leave that to him. For awesome, quick questions or more in depth conversations with fans of the Lore of League, join the discord server :D
Thanks for bearing with me! Hope this explained things in a clear manner.
submitted by Psyr1x to loreofleague [link] [comments]

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.
To preface, this post is meant to elucidate some of the properties of magic in lore: how it exists and functions in the world of Runeterra. For the purposes of this post, I will not go into much depth regarding the complex magics, and will instead primarily refer to the main 3 “streams”. Points will be backed up using reliable sources, Scathlocke being the Head of all things Narrative and Worldbuilding-wise in Lore. That being said, until Riot releases information on Universe or Nexus, (while unlikely) things are liable to change regarding information provided by Rioters in twitter and boards replies, thus should be taken with a grain of salt.


The Origins of Magic:

As Runeterra, an amalgamation of the Spiritual and Material/Physical realms, was created by an unknown race of Celestials using the World Runes, all magic can be said to have roots in the Celestial Realm. While that might make it seem superior, being the originator, think of it more like it fostered the growth of the realms to becoming their own distinct units.

In the League of Legends Universe (main), magic exists in three distinct forms: Celestial, Spiritual and Elemental. From there, you have multiple blends and combinations.
N.B. The energy produced by those of the Void is NOT magic.


Fundamentally, each main stream encompasses specific concepts, one is not inherently better than the other and, to varying extents, each is able to mimic some of the effects of the other:

  • Celestial Magic deals with creation and pure ideals, thus can also include maintenance, change and destruction.
  • Spirit Magic deals with mental and emotional concepts, life as well as reality and the perception of it.
  • Elemental Magic deals with the manipulation of the physical world and the physical laws and rules of reality (Physics).

Magic exists ambiently; flowing as metaphysical rivers and streams throughout the world similar in concept to ley lines. Areas where magic is high in concentration will commonly produce the most number of natural born mages, to the point where it is less likely for one to not possess the ability to use/do magic. The reverse is true for those born in an area where ambient magic is low in concentration. This is evidenced with Ionia and Ixtal, being fonts of Elemental and Spiritual magic respectively, whereas a region like Demacia; surrounded and founded upon magic nullifying petricite, very few mages are produced.

Each stream of magic flows from an origin source: Celestial magic flows from the Celestial Realm as well as the World Runes, Spiritual Magic originates from the Spiritual Realm, and Elemental Magic from the Physical realm, all suffusing into the material plane.
Regions where the barriers between realms are weakest and the magic flows strongest are known as “fonts” of magic. Ionia is an example of this in regards to spirit magic. To varying extents, use of each main branch can mirror the other and produce similar effects, even if not strictly the same source/magic type (e.g. all can produce fire).

As said before, Ionia is a font of spirit magic. The barriers between the mortal and spirit realm are less distinct, thereby allowing the two to interact in strange, exotic manners. As a result, spirit magic suffuses and saturates the lands of Ionia. However, raw concentrated spirit magic has chaotic, unpredictable effects upon reality, making the environment a dangerous place. As such, humans erected Quinlons in Ionia to restrict and filter the flow of magic from the fonts. Quinlons being man-made magical filters that limit the amount of magic flowing from the spirit realm into Ionia... they also filter out the more chaotic/negative energy, concentrating it into a liquid-like substance (IchoTears). When tattooed upon the skin or consumed, this concentrated negative magic enables the use and manipulation of shadow magic (used to great effect by Zed and his Order). Currently, the agreement between humans and Vastaya has been shattered: The Quinlons are restricting too much magic, and Zed’s Order actively alters some to fuel their shadow magic. The vastaya, requiring magic to live similarly to how we need air to live, are understandably not too ecstatic.

Theoretically, Targon would serve as a font of Celestial magic seeing as the barriers between the mortal and Celestial Realm are thinnest near the peak, thereby allowing the easiest interaction and allowing the magic to suffuse onto the physical plane.
A region serving as a font of magic doesn't necessarily mean only that type of magic is present. It just acts as a source.
One doesn't have to be on a ley line/stream to do magic... the effects and efficiency just increase with proximity, similar to a wifi/cell signal. As they encompass the entirety of Runeterra, you are almost always guaranteed to have some signal (barring specific scenarios/anomalies.)


How Magic is Used:

Anyone and everyone can learn to harness magic, however, not everyone is born with the talent. These lucky individuals are known as mages.
From what we’ve seen, mages don't quite generate magic per se, they access what is naturally present, interacting with the ambient magic in the environment rather than directly producing it. More akin to vessels than generators, their strength and aptitude likely depends on how much they can store, channel, shape and emit (as well as restore) at any given time. But, as said by Ryze in “From the Ashes” magic likes to be used, not stored… similar to the air we hold in our lungs… a quite apt comparison that will be explained further below in theory crafting. This is the trend for most mortals.
Those born of magic, those with magic WITHIN them, as part of them, often referred to as "magical" beings, are far more attuned to the magic out there in the world, able to interact and shape magic in ways most can’t even begin to fathom due to their intrinsic link. An example being the Vastaya, who are more innately connected to magic, requiring it to live (like how we need to breathe oxygen to survive). Their use of magic still follows the same principle of not being innately generated, yet their connection allows them to perceive and interact with the worlds in exotic ways. The Vastayashai’rei, the ancient ancestors of our modern Vastaya further demonstrate this: Originally mortals, they learnt how to be completely 1:1 between the material and spirit realms, taking in the spirit realm and becoming deathless, manipulating the magics of each realm… effectively becoming “super mages”.

The Axiomata is a system solely related to Elemental Magic and its manipulations to varying effects. It serves as a formulaic/diagrammatic system of understanding and manipulating elemental magic inspired by the flow of the natural “currents” of magic but itself isn't one of the flows, merely one understanding. It's a system of teaching and learning elemental magic, akin to studying strict formulas (or Axioms) based on rules. The benefit to it is that anyone can learn it, Ryze's critique of it would be that it limits and restricts magic's potential.

In The Axiomata (Short Story), a ley line was "tapped" and “swum” through, enabling Aliay to interact with the world in a broader, more encompassing fashion thereby allowing him to see and experience the outside world and glimpse ongoing events outside of Ixtal.

In terms of those who seem to directly challenge the established "magic isn't produced innately" principle, in a sense, they don't. Looking at the Aspects (the hosts more so than the actual Celestial Aspects) and the Ascended, they are directly (and indirectly for the Ascended) rigged to the Aspects, thereby serving as conduits and as such, are able to channel their power. Using Leona’s color story, "The Light Bringer" as an example:
“Leona let the fire into her blood, feeling the ancient creature merge its essence with hers more completely, becoming one with her senses and gifting her with perceptions not of this world.”
“She reached deep inside herself, drawing on the awesome power from beyond the mountain. The sun emerged from behind its highest peaks as Leona thrust her hand to the light.”
On the other hand, we have Syndra who seemingly produces magic. To an extent this is true, what she presumably does still falls in line with the fundamental concept of mages. While not officially shown on the League Universe, if we go by the original version of "The Dreaming Pool", "The Dreaming Cave" (which was edited for clarity and to cut down on length) Instead of being relegated to only using the ambient natural magics of the physical world, Syndra is able to rip magic directly from the Spiritual Realm.
“Syndra conjured another dark sphere—all of her bitterness, resentment and anger made manifest. Torn from the spirit realm across the threshold into reality, it hovered above her hand, slowly spinning.”

It's something that is unique to her and can be quite dangerous to the natural lands (as we know that pure, concentrated spirit magic flowing can have adverse, chaotic effects.)

Her magic leaches the lands of the natural, ambient magic, thereby causing something akin to "magical fallout" and irradiating the environment. This implies her magic is flooding and washing out the natural magics of the land… replacing it with hers: Raw, concentrated Spirit magic.
We know, from the information about Quinlons, that spirit magic in high concentrations is dangerous and adversely affects the physical realm, particularly when negative. Something further suggested in Syndra’s Biography:
”Such negativity had a strange, unpredictable effect on reality, and Syndra had grown far beyond his ability as a mentor.”
And further falls in line with information given to us about Fae’lor in “The Dreaming Pool” and Sisterhood of War Part 1: Old Wounds regarding the quality of the lands of the island before and after Syndra’s first and second rampages.
The fact that Syndra's mood state mirrors the effect of the Quinlons further substantiates this.

In regards to the specifics of how mages utilize magic (theory work that falls in line with everything we know):
This is a graph detailing the process of breathing, specifically as it relates to the volume of air present in the lungs at any given time. Tidal Volume is the range of normal, unconscious breathing: The volume inhaled and exhaled normally.
As shown in the graph, after breathing out at Tidal Volume (the decline at that level), there's still more air present in your lungs due to them not having fully deflated. Thus, even after breathing out at normal levels)more air may be expelled: Expiratory Reserve Volume.
The reverse is true for the process of inhalation: Inhalation at Tidal Volume, then continuing to inhale to reach the Inspiratory Reserve Volume.
(Deep breath in-> inspiratory reserve volume, deep breath out-> Expiratory reserve volume)... inhaling and exhaling a lot more air than you will in normal breathing... with the normal breathing level being tidal volume.
Big breaths In and Out usually require conscious intent, whereas the Tidal Volume is usually unconsciously regulated. After reaching the Expiratory Reserve Volume, more air still remains in the lungs, known as the Residual Volume. This is almost never accessed and exhaled, requires rigorous intent, and is dangerous to attempt. The total span of these is the Total Lung Capacity.

Now, to apply this concept to mages:
Most mages seemingly don’t consciously draw upon magic, rather they passively draw in and absorb magic, similar to the tidal volume of breathing. Following this logic, there would remain a base level of magic that "exists" within the mage... This doesn’t mean it is innately produced, it is just a sink that's partially filled. (For comparison, relate it to the Expiratory Reserve Volume.)
As such, most mages will only know about emitting magic... not absorbing it, because most of the time, they're just consciously pushing out and manipulating magic, instead of consciously drawing it in.
More adept mages know how to consciously draw in more magic than they'd normally have access to, and know how to regulate the intake, use and emission: Ryze in From the Ashes is an example of this, displayed when trying to teach Kegan:
“You do not create the air you breathe,” the sorcerer said. “You draw it inside you, letting it sustain you. You use it as your body requires, and then release it as you exhale. It is never yours. You are just a vessel for it. You breathe in, you breathe out. You are a channel through which air flows.”
Kegan made to release his breath, though his master shook his head.
“No. Not yet. Feel the air in your lungs, Kegan. Feel it pushing at the cage of your body. Feel it straining to escape.”
“Therein lies the problem,” his master observed, reading his posture. “I told you the air was not yours, yet you are thrilled with yourself for how long you kept it inside you. It is the same with magic. You want it, believing it can be owned. You cling to it, forgetting that you are merely a channel through which it passes. You choke it in your heart, and in your hands. And so the magic is strangled in your grip, because you see it as something to bind to your will. It is not, and never will be. It is like air. You must draw in what exists around you, use it for a moment, then let it free.”

Lissandra, in Legend of the Frozen Watchers, is another example:
“Summoning every last iota of the ancient magic around her, including that of her allies, she sacrificed everything to seal the rift-between-realms with True Ice, entombing the Watchers within it.”

When you try to take a deep breath in, the air eventually starts fighting to get out... the balloon is strained; you can't retain that level and, inevitably, the air escapes. Similarly to Ryze's explanation of why Kegan was failing at storing the magic.

From this, I posit what happens with mages around petricite is similar to what happens when you enter a vacuum: Those unaware and not consciously regulating the level of air will have their breath stolen. However, if you are aware, and know about the base concepts of consciously breathing, you will be able to store your air for a period of time before it gets taken. And with training, the level you are able to store, and the duration of which the breath may be held, increases. (You can relate this to holding your breath underwater, you know not to exhale... and if prepared, you know to inhale more than normal and hold your breath.)

Petricite nullifies magic by absorbing it, effectively sapping and stealing the mage’s reserves. For those aware of its properties, and adept at manipulating magic, they would be able to “hold their breath” i.e. hold their magic tightly for a short while, enabling them to continue controlled usage of it. An example of this is seen in the Ryze Cinematic, "Call of Power", when Ryze performs magic in the Petricite Forest.

It should be noted this isn't a literal 1:1 transition of concepts, it’d likely be much harder to recognize and consciously regulate the levels of magic (as displayed by Kegan), but the fundamental concept would remain the same. To be clear though, this does not speak to the shaping of magic and how it manifests for each mage. How each mage manifests the phenomenon is tied to their ideals and the cultural influences shaping it and to an extent, is ultimately personal: e.g. Lux being tied to "light", and those in The Freljord being more inclined to ice and shamanistic magics etc.
As said before, each person's approach to magic is pretty unique... Even within the Yun Tal, there are proficiencies and unique understandings/perspectives of shaping magic, this is what enables them to keep making new axioms and experiment further).
To use an example that ties back to the theory proposed, Sylas' innate approach is to be able to see/sense it and copy/take that "template"... Akin to a copiecheater in class who takes someone's homework. If he learned, he likely would have the capacity to do his own crafting of spells/magic.
You can consider it the reverse of Lissandra/Ryze... in a sense (theory-wise), he's currently only able to inhale consciously and exhale passively (tidal volume-> Inspiratory Reserve Volume) but not quite able to do it passively. His "tidal volume" is negligible, but his "lungs" are very elastic so can inhale a lot, however, similarly to an untied balloon, would be forced to expel most of the magic once it's not being consciously drawn in. Added to this, there is likely a limit to how much he can take in at any given time, less he risks being overloaded.
The Petricite would therefore act as the containeoxygen tank for the magic absorbed... allowing him to access it whenever needed.. whereas without it, he's constantly been shown to immediately use the magic upon absorbing (can't hold it for long...if at all).
In regards to why he can't consciously absorb ambient magic, it's likely too diffuse and "unconcentrated"/""unstable", whereas the magic stored in petricite and other mages etc already has a stable template... concentrated in once place, thereby enabling to have a firmer "grasp". Sorta like how u can pick up a block of ice, but doing the same with water or vapor is much harder.... it "slips" out. Relating back to if his base volume is low, but the "elastic potential" of his "vessel" is high, the diffuse magic absorbed wouldn't be much in the first place, plus he hasn't innately adapted an application to shaping the magic himself, so he naturally does what he's best suited to: Inflating his proverbial balloon by filling with the concentrated, stabilized templates of others and emitting it (or storing in the petricite).
TLDR on mages, and Scath’s thoughts on the theory:

Relevant Reads on Universe:


Flavor of life information regarding entities seemingly comprised of magic: Spirits and Celestials.

Spirits are the natural denizens of the Spirit Realm, everything that exists upon the physical realm is said to have a spiritual reflection, as learned in Riven's color story, "Seams and Scars".

“I’m a mender,” she said as she held the pottery out to a wide-eyed Riven. “No need to replace anything.”
Riven took the plate and examined it. “How does it work?” she asked, running a finger down a thick black seam.
"Everything has a spirit, and every spirit wants to be whole. I ask them what they need to mend, and give it to them.”
The concept of “time” exists differently from how it does in the physical realm… if it exists at all (Evidenced by Bandle City, as well as the Vastaya Forests). Many spirits seemingly start as something primordial, shapeless, and barely sentient before being tied to varying concepts, fundamentally shaping their interaction with the world, as somewhat evidenced by Evelynn and the nature of the Spirit Gods (Spirit gods, if completely forgotten, revert to the state described). It is not known if this is true for all residents of the spirit realm. Yordles are fundamentally different from other spirits encountered. I.e. they are much more physical and “substantial”.
The Spirit Realm itself is also comprised of “pocket dimensions” that do not have a physical realm correlation. The Glade is an example of this, the dimension of the Fae (of which Lulu’s companion, Pix, is a part of). It is theorized that Bandle City may be an offshoot of The Glade.
When mortals die, their souls are transported to the Spirit Realm, upon whence they’ll be placed in the Afterlife/world. Many "afterlife/afterworld" pocket dimensions exist, Mitna Rachnum (Mordekaiser's death realm) is one of them. Rarely (relatively speaking) do souls make their way into Mordekaiser's realm however. The Shadow Isles deserves mention as the catastrophe that occurred warped the rules of the natural worlds, as well as life and death. The raw necromantic (spiritual) magic that suffuses the lands has warped reality and stilled the passage of time. It has become a region of undeath as a result of the trapped souls being unable to truly pass on.

Aside from Yordles, the Fae and souls, other spirits exist, those standing out being Demons and Spirit Gods:

All demons are spirits, not all spirits are demons. I.e. Demons are a specific type of spirit. (This is for actual demons, not entities that have been labelled demonic despite being of human/physical or even celestial origin.) They subsist and feed on emotions, specifically those that are negative or overabundant to the point of negativity/overindulgence. They also perpetuate these feelings either directly, or indirectly in mortals. E.g. Evelynn feeds on agony and pain, and will seduce then torture people, feeding off of their pain. Tahm Kench on the other hand, subsists on misery resulting from greed, gluttony and addiction. He will tempt the person, and when they fall prey to that, will feed off of them. Demons can feed incrementally or devour the person wholly... sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically. Generally it ultimately results in the person's death.

Spirit Gods are best described as “spiritual embodiments of concepts and cultural ideals”. They are ancient beings granted relevance aeons prior to common mortal existence. They hearken back to when the barriers between realms were ephemeral, thus could gain footholds in the physical plane and mortal cultures. It is theorized that they were originally spirits of certain concepts that managed to link themselves to the culture of mortals, gaining power, form and true sapience due to the increasing worship and cultural attention. Others hypothesize that they themselves were completely “born” of the combined perceptions of a staunch faith. Whatever they may be, it has been noted to be incredibly unlikely for a new Spirit God to form as the conditions of the current worlds do not favor it. Instead it’ll be more likely for an already established entity to fill that attention.
Points to note regarding Spirits:
  • To an extent, every spirit so far has a basis on perception... Not everything is literally "I need you to believe in me for me to live." For demons, their source of "attention" or gaining sustenance is based on the emotion/mental energy that they are draining and perpetuating. Not necessarily a need for belief. Though many do have their own cults of worship, so it's likely that some of that energy can be fed upon too... but ultimately, it's the energy of the emotion/feeling/concept that needs to be there, not a belief.
  • A demon will take shape based on the desired appeal of the person perceiving them. To a lusty, heterosexual man, Eve will appear as an incredibly sexy, sultry lady, thereby tempting him to pursue her. Tahm Kench will appear as a seller or peddler of goods and fortunes, an auctioneer… perhaps even a Casino roulette. Whatever will appeal to and best exploit that person's inner weakness and temptations.
  • Spirits can physically take form by animating and using physical materials nearby, scrapping them together to achieve the desired form (As we see with Fiddlesticks and Volibear)... they can also materialize as condensed raw magic given form. There are rules and limitations guiding how they manifest of which we haven't been privy to. However, we can assume it's based on their current strength, abundance of magic around and the context of the situation. They can choose a form, but often will appear based on the perceptions and inherent beliefs and moods of the surrounding mortals. But yes, they can shapeshift and are the reason why the Vastayashai'rei and their descendants, the Vastaya, have such fluid form.

*Nagakabouros has been confirmed to be a Spirit God, born of the Spirit Realm. The true scope of her being is not known beyond being linked with Life, Chaos and Motion. Other examples of Spirit Gods include Kindred, the Freljordian Demigods and Janna. Demons include Fiddlesticks, Raum, Nocturne, Tahm Kench and Evelynn.

Those of the Celestial Realm are known as Celestials. The antithesis of the Void and its denizens, The Watchers. The Celestial Realm and its inhabitants are heavily centered around creation and maintenance. Not much is known about these timeless entities however they played a key role in the creation of the cosmos as well as Runeterra and its development as a whole. Fate and the celestial machinations guiding mortal existence can be interpreted by looking to the heavens however, to the ire of some, Mortals are not beholden to these preset destinies, and instead often create their own.
The Celestials that we know of are Aurelion Sol, his kin, The Aspects, Bard, and Soraka.
Aspects are the pure ideals/celestial concepts made “personified”, and will occasionally bind with a mortal host and traverse Runeterra to do whatever work is needed.
*(Edited in for clarity:) The Ascended are indirectly rigged to Aspects (celestial concepts). Ascension doesn't necessarily grant them celestial magic, it dramatically magnifies all of their previous traits.
I see you’ve reached the end, my weary traveler. Feast on some cookies and recoup. In regards to any questions and theories, happy to discuss in the comments. If in relation to the various creatures and their more specific interactions with Magic, The Great Chronicler, Sharjo, is doing a TL;DR on the Races of Runeterra which will likely touch on many of those aspects. So I'll leave that to him. For awesome, quick questions or more in depth conversations with fans of the Lore of League, join the discord server :D
Thanks for bearing with me! Hope this explained things in a clear manner.
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TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.
To preface, this post is meant to elucidate some of the properties of magic in lore: how it exists and functions in the world of Runeterra. For the purposes of this post, I will not go into much depth regarding the complex magics, and will instead primarily refer to the main 3 “streams”. Points will be backed up using reliable sources, Scathlocke being the Head of all things Narrative and Worldbuilding-wise in Lore. That being said, until Riot releases information on Universe or Nexus, (while unlikely) things are liable to change regarding information provided by Rioters in twitter and boards replies, thus should be taken with a grain of salt.


The Origins of Magic:

As Runeterra, an amalgamation of the Spiritual and Material/Physical realms, was created by an unknown race of Celestials using the World Runes, all magic can be said to have roots in the Celestial Realm. While that might make it seem superior, being the originator, think of it more like it fostered the growth of the realms to becoming their own distinct units.
In the League of Legends Universe (main), magic exists in three distinct forms: Celestial, Spiritual and Elemental. From there, you have multiple blends and combinations.
N.B. The energy produced by those of the Void is NOT magic.


Fundamentally, each main stream encompasses specific concepts, one is not inherently better than the other and, to varying extents, each is able to mimic some of the effects of the other:

  • Celestial Magic deals with creation and pure ideals, thus can also include maintenance, change and destruction.
  • Spirit Magic deals with mental and emotional concepts, life as well as reality and the perception of it.
  • Elemental Magic deals with the manipulation of the physical world and the physical laws and rules of reality (Physics).

Magic exists ambiently; flowing as metaphysical rivers and streams throughout the world similar in concept to ley lines. Areas where magic is high in concentration will commonly produce the most number of natural born mages, to the point where it is less likely for one to not possess the ability to use/do magic. The reverse is true for those born in an area where ambient magic is low in concentration. This is evidenced with Ionia and Ixtal, being fonts of Elemental and Spiritual magic respectively, whereas a region like Demacia; surrounded and founded upon magic nullifying petricite, very few mages are produced.

Each stream of magic flows from an origin source: Celestial magic flows from the Celestial Realm as well as the World Runes, Spiritual Magic originates from the Spiritual Realm, and Elemental Magic from the Physical realm, all suffusing into the material plane.

Regions where the barriers between realms are weakest and the magic flows strongest are known as “fonts” of magic. Ionia is an example of this in regards to spirit magic. To varying extents, use of each main branch can mirror the other and produce similar effects, even if not strictly the same source/magic type (e.g. all can produce fire).
As said before, Ionia is a font of spirit magic. The barriers between the mortal and spirit realm are less distinct, thereby allowing the two to interact in strange, exotic manners. As a result, spirit magic suffuses and saturates the lands of Ionia. However, raw concentrated spirit magic has chaotic, unpredictable effects upon reality, making the environment a dangerous place. As such, humans erected Quinlons in Ionia to restrict and filter the flow of magic from the fonts. Quinlons being man-made magical filters that limit the amount of magic flowing from the spirit realm into Ionia... they also filter out the more chaotic/negative energy, concentrating it into a liquid-like substance (IchoTears). When tattooed upon the skin or consumed, this concentrated negative magic enables the use and manipulation of shadow magic (used to great effect by Zed and his Order). Currently, the agreement between humans and Vastaya has been shattered: The Quinlons are restricting too much magic, and Zed’s Order actively alters some to fuel their shadow magic. The vastaya, requiring magic to live similarly to how we need air to live, are understandably not too ecstatic.
Theoretically, Targon would serve as a font of Celestial magic seeing as the barriers between the mortal and Celestial Realm are thinnest near the peak, thereby allowing the easiest interaction and allowing the magic to suffuse onto the physical plane.

A region serving as a font of magic doesn't necessarily mean only that type of magic is present. It just acts as a source.
One doesn't have to be on a ley line/stream to do magic... the effects and efficiency just increase with proximity, similar to a wifi/cell signal. As they encompass the entirety of Runeterra, you are almost always guaranteed to have some signal (barring specific scenarios/anomalies.)


How Magic is Used:

Anyone and everyone can learn to harness magic, however, not everyone is born with the talent. These lucky individuals are known as mages.
From what we’ve seen, mages don't quite generate magic per se, they access what is naturally present, interacting with the ambient magic in the environment rather than directly producing it. More akin to vessels than generators, their strength and aptitude likely depends on how much they can store, channel, shape and emit (as well as restore) at any given time. But, as said by Ryze in “From the Ashes” magic likes to be used, not stored… similar to the air we hold in our lungs… a quite apt comparison that will be explained further below in theory crafting. This is the trend for most mortals.

Those born of magic, those with magic WITHIN them, as part of them, often referred to as "magical" beings, are far more attuned to the magic out there in the world, able to interact and shape magic in ways most can’t even begin to fathom due to their intrinsic link. An example being the Vastaya, who are more innately connected to magic, requiring it to live (like how we need to breathe oxygen to survive). Their use of magic still follows the same principle of not being innately generated, yet their connection allows them to perceive and interact with the worlds in exotic ways. The Vastayashai’rei, the ancient ancestors of our modern Vastaya further demonstrate this: Originally mortals, they learnt how to be completely 1:1 between the material and spirit realms, taking in the spirit realm and becoming deathless, manipulating the magics of each realm… effectively becoming “super mages”.

The Axiomata is a system solely related to Elemental Magic and its manipulations to varying effects. It serves as a formulaic/diagrammatic system of understanding and manipulating elemental magic inspired by the flow of the natural “currents” of magic but itself isn't one of the flows, merely one understanding. It's a system of teaching and learning elemental magic, akin to studying strict formulas (or Axioms) based on rules. The benefit to it is that anyone can learn it, Ryze's critique of it would be that it limits and restricts magic's potential.
In The Axiomata (Short Story), a ley line was "tapped" and “swum” through, enabling Aliay to interact with the world in a broader, more encompassing fashion thereby allowing him to see and experience the outside world and glimpse ongoing events outside of Ixtal.

In terms of those who seem to directly challenge the established "magic isn't produced innately" principle, in a sense, they don't. Looking at the Aspects (the hosts more so than the actual Celestial Aspects) and the Ascended, they are directly (and indirectly for the Ascended) rigged to the Aspects, thereby serving as conduits and as such, are able to channel their power. Using Leona’s color story, "The Light Bringer" as an example:
“Leona let the fire into her blood, feeling the ancient creature merge its essence with hers more completely, becoming one with her senses and gifting her with perceptions not of this world.”
“She reached deep inside herself, drawing on the awesome power from beyond the mountain. The sun emerged from behind its highest peaks as Leona thrust her hand to the light.”

On the other hand, we have Syndra who seemingly produces magic. To an extent this is true, what she presumably does still falls in line with the fundamental concept of mages. While not officially shown on the League Universe, if we go by the original version of "The Dreaming Pool", "The Dreaming Cave" (which was edited for clarity and to cut down on length) Instead of being relegated to only using the ambient natural magics of the physical world, Syndra is able to rip magic directly from the Spiritual Realm.
“Syndra conjured another dark sphere—all of her bitterness, resentment and anger made manifest. Torn from the spirit realm across the threshold into reality, it hovered above her hand, slowly spinning.”
It's something that is unique to her and can be quite dangerous to the natural lands (as we know that pure, concentrated spirit magic flowing can have adverse, chaotic effects.)
Her magic leaches the lands of the natural, ambient magic, thereby causing something akin to "magical fallout" and irradiating the environment. This implies her magic is flooding and washing out the natural magics of the land… replacing it with hers: Raw, concentrated Spirit magic.

We know, from the information about Quinlons, that spirit magic in high concentrations is dangerous and adversely affects the physical realm, particularly when negative. Something further suggested in Syndra’s Biography:
”Such negativity had a strange, unpredictable effect on reality, and Syndra had grown far beyond his ability as a mentor.”
And further falls in line with information given to us about Fae’lor in “The Dreaming Pool” and Sisterhood of War Part 1: Old Wounds regarding the quality of the lands of the island before and after Syndra’s first and second rampages.
The fact that Syndra's mood state mirrors the effect of the Quinlons further substantiates this.


In regards to the specifics of how mages utilize magic (theory work that falls in line with everything we know):
This is a graph detailing the process of breathing, specifically as it relates to the volume of air present in the lungs at any given time. Tidal Volume is the range of normal, unconscious breathing: The volume inhaled and exhaled normally.
As shown in the graph, after breathing out at Tidal Volume (the decline at that level), there's still more air present in your lungs due to them not having fully deflated. Thus, even after breathing out at normal levels)more air may be expelled: Expiratory Reserve Volume.
The reverse is true for the process of inhalation: Inhalation at Tidal Volume, then continuing to inhale to reach the Inspiratory Reserve Volume.
(Deep breath in-> inspiratory reserve volume, deep breath out-> Expiratory reserve volume)... Inhaling and exhaling a lot more air than you will in normal breathing... with the normal breathing level being tidal volume.
Big breaths In and Out usually require conscious intent, whereas the Tidal Volume is usually unconsciously regulated. After reaching the Expiratory Reserve Volume, more air still remains in the lungs, known as the Residual Volume. This is almost never accessed and exhaled, requires rigorous intent, and is dangerous to attempt. The total span of these is the Total Lung Capacity.

Now, to apply this concept to mages:
Most mages seemingly don’t consciously draw upon magic, rather they passively draw in and absorb magic, similar to the tidal volume of breathing. Following this logic, there would remain a base level of magic that "exists" within the mage... This doesn’t mean it is innately produced, it is just a sink that's partially filled. (For comparison, relate it to the Expiratory Reserve Volume.)
As such, most mages will only know about emitting magic... not absorbing it, because most of the time, they're just consciously pushing out and manipulating magic, instead of consciously drawing it in.
More adept mages know how to consciously draw in more magic than they'd normally have access to, and know how to regulate the intake, use and emission: Ryze in From the Ashes is an example of this, displayed when trying to teach Kegan:
“You do not create the air you breathe,” the sorcerer said. “You draw it inside you, letting it sustain you. You use it as your body requires, and then release it as you exhale. It is never yours. You are just a vessel for it. You breathe in, you breathe out. You are a channel through which air flows.”
Kegan made to release his breath, though his master shook his head.
“No. Not yet. Feel the air in your lungs, Kegan. Feel it pushing at the cage of your body. Feel it straining to escape.”
"Therein lies the problem,” his master observed, reading his posture. “I told you the air was not yours, yet you are thrilled with yourself for how long you kept it inside you. It is the same with magic. You want it, believing it can be owned. You cling to it, forgetting that you are merely a channel through which it passes. You choke it in your heart, and in your hands. And so the magic is strangled in your grip, because you see it as something to bind to your will. It is not, and never will be. It is like air. You must draw in what exists around you, use it for a moment, then let it free.”

Lissandra, in Legend of the Frozen Watchers, is another example:
“Summoning every last iota of the ancient magic around her, including that of her allies, she sacrificed everything to seal the rift-between-realms with True Ice, entombing the Watchers within it.”

When you try to take a deep breath in, the air eventually starts fighting to get out... the balloon is strained; you can't retain that level and, inevitably, the air escapes. Similarly to Ryze's explanation of why Kegan was failing at storing the magic.

From this, I posit what happens with mages around petricite is similar to what happens when you enter a vacuum: Those unaware and not consciously regulating the level of air will have their breath stolen. However, if you are aware, and know about the base concepts of consciously breathing, you will be able to store your air for a period of time before it gets taken. And with training, the level you are able to store, and the duration of which the breath may be held, increases. (You can relate this to holding your breath underwater, you know not to exhale... and if prepared, you know to inhale more than normal and hold your breath.)
Petricite nullifies magic by absorbing it, effectively sapping and stealing the mage’s reserves. For those aware of its properties, and adept at manipulating magic, they would be able to “hold their breath” i.e. hold their magic tightly for a short while, enabling them to continue controlled usage of it. An example of this is seen in the Ryze Cinematic, "Call of Power", when Ryze performs magic in the Petricite Forest.

It should be noted this isn't a literal 1:1 transition of concepts, it’d likely be much harder to recognize and consciously regulate the levels of magic (as displayed by Kegan), but the fundamental concept would remain the same. To be clear though, this does not speak to the shaping of magic and how it manifests for each mage. How each mage manifests the phenomenon is tied to their ideals and the cultural influences shaping it and to an extent, is ultimately personal: e.g. Lux being tied to "light", and those in The Freljord being more inclined to ice and shamanistic magics etc.
As said before, each person's approach to magic is pretty unique... Even within the Yun Tal, there are proficiencies and unique understandings/perspectives of shaping magic, this is what enables them to keep making new axioms and experiment further).
To use an example that ties back to the theory proposed, Sylas' innate approach is to be able to see/sense it and copy/take that "template"... Akin to a copiecheater in class who takes someone's homework. If he learned, he likely would have the capacity to do his own crafting of spells/magic.
You can consider it the reverse of Lissandra/Ryze... in a sense (theory-wise), he's currently only able to inhale consciously and exhale passively (tidal volume-> Inspiratory Reserve Volume) but not quite able to do it passively. His "tidal volume" is negligible, but his "lungs" are very elastic so can inhale a lot, however, similarly to an untied balloon, would be forced to expel most of the magic once it's not being consciously drawn in. Added to this, there is likely a limit to how much he can take in at any given time, less he risks being overloaded.
The Petricite would therefore act as the containeoxygen tank for the magic absorbed... allowing him to access it whenever needed.. whereas without it, he's constantly been shown to immediately use the magic upon absorbing (can't hold it for long...if at all).
In regards to why he can't consciously absorb ambient magic, it's likely too diffuse and "unconcentrated"/""unstable", whereas the magic stored in petricite and other mages etc already has a stable template... concentrated in once place, thereby enabling to have a firmer "grasp". Sorta like how u can pick up a block of ice, but doing the same with water or vapor is much harder.... it "slips" out. Relating back to if his base volume is low, but the "elastic potential" of his "vessel" is high, the diffuse magic absorbed wouldn't be much in the first place, plus he hasn't innately adapted an application to shaping the magic himself, so he naturally does what he's best suited to: Inflating his proverbial balloon by filling with the concentrated, stabilized templates of others and emitting it (or storing in the petricite).
TL;DR on mages, and Scath’s thoughts on the theory:

Relevant Reads on Universe:


Flavor of life information regarding entities seemingly comprised of magic: Spirits and Celestials.

Spirits are the natural denizens of the Spirit Realm, everything that exists upon the physical realm is said to have a spiritual reflection, as learned in Riven's color story, "Seams and Scars".
“I’m a mender,” she said as she held the pottery out to a wide-eyed Riven. “No need to replace anything.”
Riven took the plate and examined it. “How does it work?” she asked, running a finger down a thick black seam.
"Everything has a spirit, and every spirit wants to be whole. I ask them what they need to mend, and give it to them.”
The concept of “time” exists differently from how it does in the physical realm… if it exists at all (Evidenced by Bandle City, as well as the Vastaya Forests). Many spirits seemingly start as something primordial, shapeless, and barely sentient before being tied to varying concepts, fundamentally shaping their interaction with the world, as somewhat evidenced by Evelynn and the nature of the Spirit Gods (Spirit gods, if completely forgotten, revert to the state described). It is not known if this is true for all residents of the spirit realm. Yordles are fundamentally different from other spirits encountered. I.e. they are much more physical and “substantial”.
The Spirit Realm itself is also comprised of “pocket dimensions” that do not have a physical realm correlation. The Glade is an example of this, the dimension of the Fae (of which Lulu’s companion, Pix, is a part of). It is theorized that Bandle City may be an offshoot of The Glade.
When mortals die, their souls are transported to the Spirit Realm, upon whence they’ll be placed in the Afterlife/world. Many "afterlife/afterworld" pocket dimensions exist, Mitna Rachnum (Mordekaiser's death realm) is one of them. Rarely (relatively speaking) do souls make their way into Mordekaiser's realm however. The Shadow Isles deserves mention as the catastrophe that occurred warped the rules of the natural worlds, as well as life and death. The raw necromantic (spiritual) magic that suffuses the lands has warped reality and stilled the passage of time. It has become a region of undeath as a result of the trapped souls being unable to truly pass on.

Aside from Yordles, the Fae and souls, other spirits exist, those standing out being Demons and Spirit Gods:

All demons are spirits, not all spirits are demons. I.e. Demons are a specific type of spirit. (This is for actual demons, not entities that have been labelled demonic despite being of human/physical or even celestial origin.) They subsist and feed on emotions, specifically those that are negative or overabundant to the point of negativity/overindulgence. They also perpetuate these feelings either directly, or indirectly in mortals. E.g. Evelynn feeds on agony and pain, and will seduce then torture people, feeding off of their pain. Tahm Kench on the other hand, subsists on misery resulting from greed, gluttony and addiction. He will tempt the person, and when they fall prey to that, will feed off of them. Demons can feed incrementally or devour the person wholly... sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically. Generally it ultimately results in the person's death.

Spirit Gods are best described as “spiritual embodiments of concepts and cultural ideals”. They are ancient beings granted relevance aeons prior to common mortal existence. They hearken back to when the barriers between realms were ephemeral, thus could gain footholds in the physical plane and mortal cultures. It is theorized that they were originally spirits of certain concepts that managed to link themselves to the culture of mortals, gaining power, form and true sapience due to the increasing worship and cultural attention. Others hypothesize that they themselves were completely “born” of the combined perceptions of a staunch faith. Whatever they may be, it has been noted to be incredibly unlikely for a new Spirit God to form as the conditions of the current worlds do not favor it. Instead it’ll be more likely for an already established entity to fill that attention.
Points to note regarding Spirits:
  • To an extent, every spirit so far has a basis on perception... Not everything is literally "I need you to believe in me for me to live." For demons, their source of "attention" or gaining sustenance is based on the emotion/mental energy that they are draining and perpetuating. Not necessarily a need for belief. Though many do have their own cults of worship, so it's likely that some of that energy can be fed upon too... but ultimately, it's the energy of the emotion/feeling/concept that needs to be there, not a belief.
  • A demon will take shape based on the desired appeal of the person perceiving them. To a lusty, heterosexual man, Eve will appear as an incredibly sexy, sultry lady, thereby tempting him to pursue her. Tahm Kench will appear as a seller or peddler of goods and fortunes, an auctioneer… perhaps even a Casino roulette. Whatever will appeal to and best exploit that person's inner weakness and temptations.
  • Spirits can physically take form by animating and using physical materials nearby, scrapping them together to achieve the desired form (As we see with Fiddlesticks and Volibear)... they can also materialize as condensed raw magic given form. There are rules and limitations guiding how they manifest of which we haven't been privy to. However, we can assume it's based on their current strength, abundance of magic around and the context of the situation. They can choose a form, but often will appear based on the perceptions and inherent beliefs and moods of the surrounding mortals. But yes, they can shapeshift and are the reason why the Vastayashai'rei and their descendants, the Vastaya, have such fluid form.

*Nagakabouros has been confirmed to be a Spirit God, born of the Spirit Realm. The true scope of her being is not known beyond being linked to the concepts of Life, Chaos and Motion. Other examples of Spirit Gods include Kindred, the Freljordian Demigods and Janna. Demons include Fiddlesticks, Raum, Nocturne, Tahm Kench and Evelynn.

Those of the Celestial Realm are known as Celestials. The antithesis of the Void and its denizens, The Watchers. The Celestial Realm and its inhabitants are heavily centered around creation and maintenance. Not much is known about these timeless entities however they played a key role in the creation of the cosmos as well as Runeterra and its development as a whole. Fate and the celestial machinations guiding mortal existence can be interpreted by looking to the heavens however, to the ire of some, Mortals are not beholden to these preset destinies, and instead often create their own.
The Celestials that we know of are Aurelion Sol, his kin, The Aspects, Bard, and Soraka.
Aspects are the pure ideals/celestial concepts made “personified”, and will occasionally bind with a mortal host and traverse Runeterra to do whatever work is needed.
*(Edited in for clarity:) The Ascended are indirectly rigged to Aspects (celestial concepts). Ascension doesn't necessarily grant them celestial magic, it dramatically magnifies all of their previous traits.
I see you’ve reached the end, my weary traveler. Feast on some cookies and recoup. In regards to any questions and theories, happy to discuss in the comments. If in relation to the various creatures and their more specific interactions with Magic, The Great Chronicler, Sharjo, is doing a TL;DR on the Races of Runeterra which will likely touch on many of those aspects. So I'll leave that to him. For awesome, quick questions or more in depth conversations with fans of the Lore of League, join the discord server :D
Thanks for bearing with me! Hope this explained things in a clear manner.
submitted by Psyr1x to loreofruneterra [link] [comments]

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Plugin + Mod Index (Overwriting) Load Order Help Needed for Mod Organizer!

Hi all! This is just as the title says. I am about to start my FNV play through and want to make sure I make every last resolution that I need before moving forward. I had LOOT organize my files once and then after reinstalling a mod and deleting it I resorted it again but it pretty drastically changed it on the second go even though there was nothing new and I just want to make sure it's actually sorted well. As for overwriting... I know the majority of this I should have been diligent about from the get go but I assumed that since it was MO (only having limited experience) that it wouldn't matter as long as I ordered the plugins. Seems I was wrong from what I've read. So if anyone can check these two lists and suggest changes I will love you and have your baby.
EDIT: Also, while I understand the available help regarding the Mod Index order is going to be exceptionally low, I would hope that if there's even a few known corrections from personal experience I'd really appreciate it

First, the plugin order:
  1. FalloutNV.esm
  2. DeadMoney.esm
  3. HonestHearts.esm
  4. OldWorldBlues.esm
  5. LonesomeRoad.esm
  6. GunRunnersArsenal.esm
  7. ClassicPack.esm
  8. MercenaryPack.esm
  9. TribalPack.esm
  10. CaravanPack.esm
  11. YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
  12. oHUD.esm
  13. SomeguySeries.esm
  14. Sortomatic.esm
  15. New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm
  16. AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm
  17. TheDeterrent.esm
  18. More Perks.esm
  19. More Perks for Dead Money.esm
  20. Less Empty Primm.esp
  21. Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm
  22. HonestHearts2.esp
  23. TheSecretBunker.esm
  24. domecity.esm
  25. Niner.esm
  26. NVStripOpen.esm
  27. The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm
  28. AWOPDeadMoney.esm
  29. NVWillow.esp
  30. Cyberware.esm
  31. More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm
  32. Afterschool Special.esm
  33. Shogo_Heavy_Industries.esm
  34. More Traits.esm
  35. PHWHPAPVisuals.esm
  36. More Perks for Old World Blues.esm
  37. More Perks for Companions.esm
  38. WMVM.esm
  39. FCOMaster.esm
  40. Sortomatic-AWOP.esm
  41. Bitter Springs Redesigned.esp
  42. Gomorrah Redesigned v2.esp
  43. YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
  44. Unofficial Patch NVSE.esp
  45. FalloutNV_lang.esp
  46. The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
  47. DarNifiedUINV.esp
  48. Clarity.esp
  49. WMIMNV.esp
  50. boa ncrpahelmet.esp
  51. JustModsAssorted.esp
  52. Quickthrow.esp
  53. Immersive Primary Needs.esp
  54. Vurt's WFO.esp
  55. HonestHearts2b.esp
  56. Cyberware OWB.esp
  57. More Perks for Companions Update.esp
  58. More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp
  59. More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp
  60. PerkEveryLevel.esp
  61. Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Honest.Hearts.Grunt.Patch.esp
  62. Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Leveled.Lists.esp
  63. AWOPLowLootAll.esp
  64. populatedcasino-light.esp
  65. AWoP - Manan's Tweaks.esp
  66. Logic and Consistency Fixes.esp
  67. Asterra's Many Fixes.esp
  68. JSawyer Ultimate.esp
  69. More Perks Update.esp
  70. Lucky38Reloadedv5.esp
  71. TheSinkRemodel.esp
  72. NVR3_YUP Patch.esp
  73. New Vegas Redesigned 3 Path Fixing.esp
  74. TfaT2.esp
  75. CNR_Beta.esp
  76. Boacombat2glove.esp
  77. BLEEDNV.esp
  78. Ragdolls.esp
  79. Ragdolls + BLEED.esp
  80. MorePerksFixed.esp
  81. AWOP-LowNPCSWastelandOnly.esp
  82. StripOpenMain.esp
  83. NewVegasUncut 123457 Merged.esp
  84. Alternative Start.esp
  85. MadScience02.esp
  86. JSawyer Ultimate - GRA Merged.esp
  87. Weapon Retexture Project.esp
  88. Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Store.esp
  89. CourierCacheWSE.esp
  90. EMR-StealthSuitMkII.esp
  91. NevadaSkies.esp
  92. ACE - HH + GRA.esp
  93. Sortomatic-AWOP.esp
  94. AWOPDeadMoneyVendorPatch.esp
  95. AWOP WRP Patch.esp
  96. dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
  97. FOVSlider.esp
  98. JIP Improved Recipe Menu.esp
  99. JIP Companions Command & Control.esp
  100. NCR Rearmament v1.5.esp
  101. WFO - Vanilla.esp
  102. MainStoryAlterations.esp
  103. Convenient Fast Travel Markers.esp
  104. NewVegasBounties.esp
  105. NewVegasBountiesII.esp
  106. TheInheritance.esp
  107. Russell.esp
  108. More Traits Update.esp
  109. More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp
  110. KillableKids.esp
  111. AWOP - Russell.esp
  112. AWOP Revs - You Are Still The Hero.esp
  113. Delay DLC - DM + HH + OWB + LR + GRA.esp
  114. Conelrad 640-1240.esp
  115. FCO - PathFixing Vanilla.esp
  116. Roberts_NewVegas.esp
  117. MoreNiner.esp
  118. AutumnLeaves.esp
  119. NukaCola-Ojo.esp
  120. SR556.esp
  121. MuchNeededLOD.esp
  122. LimestoneLOD.esp
  123. CAGE
  124. DIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL.esp
  125. SaveCass.esp
  126. Better Casinos.esp
  127. noautoaim.esp
  128. distributed_necklaces_and_chains_neck_seam_concealer.esp
  129. Tutorial Killer.esp
  130. HH - Removable Female Companion Outfits.esp
  131. A Better Veronica.esp
  132. DYNAVISION 3.esp
  133. TheLozza's_Gasmasks_V2.esp
  134. SinkRemodelSortomatic.esp
  135. CasinoHeists.esp
  136. Helmet Overlay.esp
  137. New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp
  138. AWOP-NVR3.esp
  139. NVR3_AWOP Patch.esp
  140. AWOP Revs - Toughest Goodsprings Fight.esp
  141. AWoP Dead Money Revisions.esp
  142. FCO - GlowingOne.esp
  143. FCO - Niner.esp
  144. FCO - Roberts Patch.esp
  145. Willow by Dracomies v2.esp
  146. FCO - Willow.esp
  147. NVR3_CNR Patch.esp
  148. NVR3_JSU Patch.esp
  149. FNVLODGen.esp

  2. +FNVLODGen Resources
  3. +QRNVR3 - Qwinn's Refined New Vegas Redesigned 3 MERGED
  4. +Fallout Character Overhaul (FCO) Pink Faces Fix
  5. +NVR3 Pink Face Path Fixing
  6. +A World Of Pain (Compatibility)
  7. +New Vegas Redesigned 3 V4.2 (Update Merged)
  8. +Fallout Character Overhaul 2.3.1
  9. +Asterra's Many Fixes - (NMCs Texture Fix)
  10. +Asterra's Many Fixes - (Collision Meshes)
  11. +Logic and Consistency Fixes
  12. +Sortomatic for A World of Pain
  13. +AWoP Dead Money Revisions
  14. +A World of Pain - Manan's Tweaks
  15. +AWOP Revisions
  16. +AltAWOP
  17. +Niner (Additional Content)
  18. +Niner
  19. +Casino Heists - New Vegas (Updated Navmeshes)
  20. +The Secret Bunker (UPDATE)
  21. +The Secret Bunker
  22. +Lucky 38 Suite Reloaded v5
  23. +Awesomised Sink (Sortomatic Plugin)
  24. +Elianora's Awesomised Sink (OWB)
  25. +Less Empty Primm - A Primm Town Overhaul
  26. +Shogo Heavy Industries (Med-Rez Retex)
  27. +Shogo Heavy Industries
  28. +Delay DLC
  29. +Gas Masks of the World
  30. +DYNAVISION 3 - Total Visual Enhancement
  31. +WMVM - Weapon Mod Vending Machine
  32. +A Better Veronica
  33. +Killable Children
  34. +Honest Hearts Type 3 Female Tribal Body Replacer
  35. +Tutorial Killer
  36. +The Legacy of X13 - An Armor Overhaul (Type3 Mesh)
  37. +The Legacy of X13 - An Armor Overhaul (3.2 Patch)
  38. +The Legacy of X13 - An Armor Overhaul (Dead World)
  39. +Dead Money Assassin Suit REDUX
  40. +Hectrol ED-E Deluxe HR Retex EVOLUTION PACK
  41. +Necklace Seam Concealer
  42. +Auto Aim Disabled
  43. +Convenient Fast Travel Markers
  44. +Better Casinos
  45. +Ghoulishly Gross Type3
  46. +Jay's TYPE3 Female Body Texture Replacer (Pt. 2)
  47. +Jay's TYPE3 Female Body Texture Replacer
  48. +The Strip Open
  49. +NCR Rearmament
  50. +Caesars New Regime - Legion Overhaul
  51. +Ruger SR-556
  52. +CAGE - Continue After Games Ending
  53. +CONELRAD 640-1240 - Civil Defense Radio
  54. +Populated Casinos
  55. +Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul (Vanilla Tree Placement + LOD)
  56. +Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul
  57. +Beyond Boulder Dome (5)
  58. +Beyond Boulder Dome (4)
  59. +Beyond Boulder Dome (3)
  60. +Beyond Boulder Dome (2)
  61. +Beyond Boulder Dome (1)
  62. +Autumn Leaves
  63. +Save Cass
  64. +Honest Hearts Reborn
  65. +Blood By The Dollar
  66. +Mad Science
  67. +The Deterrent (QUEST MOD)
  68. +New Vegas Uncut MERGED (#6 Missing)
  69. +Main Story Alterations
  70. +Afterschool Special
  71. +JIP Companions Command and Control
  72. +JIP Improved Recipe Menu
  73. +FOV Slider
  74. +Enhanced Blood Textures for NV v2_22c
  75. +New Vegas - Enhanced Camera
  76. +Russell
  77. +New Vegas Bounties II
  78. +New Vegas Bounties I
  79. +A World Of Pain (WRP Patch)
  80. +A World Of Pain (Low Loot + Wasteland)
  81. +A World Of Pain (DM)
  82. +A World Of Pain
  83. +Willow - A Better Companion Experience
  84. +A.C.E. - Ammunition and Crafting Expanded
  85. +The Inheritance
  86. +The New Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino
  87. +Roleplayers Alternative Start Fallout New Vegas
  88. +Sortomatic - Modders Resource
  89. +The Couriers Cache (ROBERTS PATCH)
  90. +The Couriers Cache
  91. +Roberts DLC Patch Merge
  92. +Roberts Male Body FNV
  93. +Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia
  94. +Weapon Animations Replacer FOMOD
  95. +Dimonized Type 3 AIO Installer-54438-3-5-1561863093
  96. +Improved LOD Noise Texture
  97. +The Someguy Series
  98. +Perk Every Level
  99. +More Perks (FIX)
  100. +More Perks MERGED
  101. +Ragdolls-BLEED Compatibility
  102. +BLEED
  103. +Unnecessary Physics
  104. +Collision Meshes (CLUTTER FIX)
  105. +Collision Meshes (OJO BUENO FIX)
  106. +Collision Meshes (UPDATE)
  107. +Collision Meshes
  108. +Precision Collision - Clutter NV
  109. +Cyberware 2281 (PN Refab)
  110. +Immersive Primary Needs (PN Refab)
  111. +EXE - Effect teXtures Enhanced
  112. +JSawyer Ultimate Edition (GRA Merged)
  113. +JSawyer Ultimate Edition
  114. +Custom Health and AP Visuals
  115. +Helmet Overlay
  116. +B42 Quickthrow (Ragdoll Patch)
  117. +B42 Quickthrow (oHUD Patch)
  118. +B42 Quickthrow - Grenade Hotkey
  119. +Ragdolls
  120. +Just Mods Assorted
  121. +NV Book Of STEEL
  122. +NV Book Of Water
  123. +Hi-Res Wasteland Clothing
  124. +WRP HOTFIX
  125. +Weapon Retexture Project - WRP
  126. +Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod
  127. +OJO BUENO Texture Pack (Nuka Retex)
  128. +OJO BUENO Texture Pack
  129. +NMCs Texture Patch UPDATE
  130. +NMC Medium Pack (MERGED)
  131. +Asterra's Many Fixes
  132. +Nevada Skies - Weather Effects (RESOURCES)
  133. +Nevada Skies - Weather Effects (PLUGIN)
  134. +Clarity - An Orange Tint Remover
  135. +One HUD - oHUD (Darnified Patch)
  136. +One HUD - oHUD
  137. +DarNified UI Font Dummies
  138. +Darnified_UI
  139. +The Mod Configuration Menu
  140. +UIO - User Interface Organizer
  141. +JohnnyGuitar NVSE
  142. +lStewieAl's Tweaks INI
  143. +lStewieAl's Tweaks
  144. +Unofficial Patch NVSE
  145. +JIP LN NVSE Plugin
  146. +Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP
  147. +NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash
  148. +NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix
  149. +FNV Mod Limit Fix
  150. +NVSE
  151. *DLC: CaravanPack
  152. *DLC: ClassicPack
  153. *DLC: DeadMoney
  154. *DLC: GunRunnersArsenal
  155. *DLC: HonestHearts
  156. *DLC: LonesomeRoad
  157. *DLC: MercenaryPack
  158. *DLC: OldWorldBlues
  159. *DLC: TribalPack
submitted by NewProductThrowaway to fnv [link] [comments]

7 More Top Marked Decks

7 More Top Marked Decks
Marked decks are a very special tool, because they contain a variety of secrets that helps magicians perform amazing tricks that would never otherwise be possible. You do not need to learn any complex moves that take a long time to master, because you can use the markings on the card backs to identify cards, and this enables you to accomplish apparent miracles with relative ease.
The markings on marked decks typically come in two main forms: reader systems and coded systems. Reader systems are very straight forward to use, because somewhere hidden on the card back is printed the actual value and suit of the card, e.g. 9 of Hearts would be indicated by 9H. While this makes them easy to use, it also means that there's an increased risk that the marking system can be detected.
Coded systems are much more subtle than reader systems, because they rely on other visual indicators to tell you the value and suit of the cards. One example is the famous marked deck by Theodore De Land, which first appeared more than a hundred years ago in the early 1900s. It's still published today with names like "DeLand's Original $100 Deck" or "DeLand's Automatic Playing Cards". The artwork on the back had circular patterns that corresponded to a clock face, and depending on which dots were coloured in, you could immediately identify the value and suit of a card.
Coded marking systems like this can be very subtle, and it's much less likely that a spectator will figure it out, unless they are told. Even if they notice some unusual dots, or variations in the pattern of the card back design, these will often seem meaningless to the unenlightened unless they know the secret. But when you do know the secret, these marking systems can quickly be mastered and used for strong magic tricks.
I've already covered marked decks using reader systems in a previous article, so in this article I'm only covering marked decks that use a coded system of marking. It's not an exhaustive list of all such decks, since there are many, many such decks that have been produced over the years. I also wanted to ensure that anything recommended here is actually readily available on the market today, so I've only included decks that you can easily find for purchase. I won't pretend that this is a definitive list of the all-time top marked decks with coded systems, since there may well be other candidates as good as the ones included here. But these are some of my own favourites that I have used myself, and most of them are popular, and are well worth considering if you're looking for a marked deck of this sort.
The Mint v2 decks are available in either blue (Blueberry) or green (Cucumber). They were the brainchild of Asad Chaudhry, who runs 52Kards, a popular youtube training channel for card magic and cardistry.
The Mint brand was created with the goal of providing the perfect deck for magicians, by combining classic playing cards with a modern design pattern that feels contemporary and stylish. This is the second version of the deck, with some enhancements to the original, and was produced with the help of over half a million dollars of support on Kickstarter - a real testament to the popularity of the Mint brand.
This beautiful deck immediately impresses once you hold the tuck box in your hand, with a simple look topped with stylish foil, that conveys a sense of luxury and class. The lavish use of foiling on the back of the box accentuates the tiled design that is this deck's signature. Full interior printing with a tiled design in metallic foil confirms this impression once you open the box.
The card faces have had a makeover from the standard look, and the adjustments that have been made to the pips and court cards results in a fresh approach that still looks familiar and practical. The indices employ a thinner and more elegant font which also emphasizes that this is an original design while not being too far removed from the traditional style we are all used to, to ensure that they will still be at home in the hands of a magician.
To figure out the marking system, you'll have to head to the 52Kards youtube channel. Asad has made a 12 minute video where he explains all the ins and outs of the marking system, and you can check this out even if you don't own the deck.
It's a very practical and well thought out system that isn't hard to learn, and the Mint V2 deck is a definite improvement on the original version of this deck in several ways.
The crew at Mechanic Industries first created their Mechanic decks, which featured card backs with flipbook animation, and more importantly with a marking system hidden in the cogs and wheels. The Mechanic v2 deck is the improved and revised version of the original.
After the success of this deck, they decided to produce a very special version of their deck to celebrate the fifth birthday of Mechanic Industries in 2017. And what better birthday present can there be than something new and shiny? The Mechanic Metallic decks are a matching pair entitled Glimmer (gold) and Shiner (Silver). For added luxury, the interior of these tuck boxes is entirely foiled, for a visually stunning look! The outside of the tuck boxes also employs extensive use of foil, along with stylish embossing.
Metallic gold and silver inks are used for the card backs to ensure a completely glamorous look, which has a design similar to the original Mechanic decks.
To match the stylish look of the tuck boxes, metallic gold, silver, and red Pantone inks have been used on both the backs and faces of all the cards. Metallic silver ink decorates the court cards of the Shiner deck, while metallic gold ink is used for the court cards of the Glimmer deck.
As an extra bonus for magicians, the included Jokers include images of the Grinder coins from Mechanic Industries, giving possibilities for combining card magic with coin magic.
Like the original Mechanic Deck, the metallic decks have both a flip book animation system and a marking system built into the card backs. Riffling through the deck shows the cogs turning, and therein also lies the secret for identifying the suit and value of each card, which is cleverly built into the design.
Despite only being a teenager, Pravar Jain is a professional magician and cardist from India, who has accomplished more than most of us. He formed his own company Area52, and it's under this label that he produced the Mortalis deck, which was released in very limited numbers in October 2018.
The actual design of the playing cards is by Canadian Christofer Lacoste, who was also behind the art of the popular Mint Playing Cards.
This deck has a very practical look, with standard indices and pips on the faces for the most part. One exception is the changed look of the court cards, which have been re-coloured by replacing the usual garish yellows and reds with more muted colours including a soft beige, which creates a more professional look. The Ace of Spades features a giant pip that reprises the design from the card backs, and looks similar to the look on the front of the tuck box.
One surprise is the absence of Jokers. Pravar has never felt the use for Jokers, and decided to opt for two gaff cards instead. Given the love for magicians that is shown in the card backs, this won't come entirely as a surprise. The gaff cards are a double-backer, and a duplicate King of Hearts.
The deck comes with a link to a seven page PDF that explains how the marking system works. It features a coded marking system that Pravar himself created, and is based on how you read a clock. As the back of the tuck box proclaims: "The closer you look, the less you see."
The markings are fairly well hidden, and rather clever, although a riffle test will show that something unusual is going on. Pravar states that it can be read quickly in under 3 seconds, although I think it will take quite a bit of practice to be able to read it that quickly.
Created by Daniel Madison and Chris Ramsay, the Knights deck from Ellusionist draws on a tradition as old playing cards themselves: chess. It pays tribute to this golden foundation stone of modern gaming, and takes its name from the piece with the unusual movement: The Knight.
Pictured here is the Gold edition, which has a tuck box with an elegant and distinguished combination of white with gold foil, giving an immediately luxurious and classic appearance. The popularity of this deck is evident from the fact that this edition was followed by several other versions in different colours: Green, Red, and Blue.
The number cards and court cards feature a uniformity in style, but retain a limited colour palette within the confines of a somewhat traditional look, to enhance the look and feel of complete class.
I especially love the Joker, which features a check-mated king and a raven. But there's no doubt that all the cards evoke an immediate sense of style and sophistication, and it is also a very practical and functional deck.
The back of the cards has a college of small chess pieces decorating the artwork, and therein of course lies our clever secret.
When it was first released, this wasn't even advertised as a marked deck, and the secret will escape the notice of all but the very careful observer. What I like about this system is that it doesn't use clock-style markings, but a very different system, one that is also thematically related to chess and the point value of the pieces.
The Blue 1900 Series deck is a brand new release from Ellusionist.
But it doesn't come out of nowhere, because it is a successor to their highly popular vintage series 1800 marked decks, and is perhaps even intended as their replacement. The 1800 series decks featured standard Bicycle rider-back designs that had been put through a very convincing faux aging process.
Just like its predecessor, the 1900 series deck literally looks like it is more than a century old, and it's just as if a deck of cards has survived more than a century. Even the tuck box is designed to look genuinely ancient and worn.
Yet despite the old, rustic, and grungy look, which makes the cards look cracked and worn, the cards themselves are the same high quality as a normal Bicycle deck, and handle beautifully. Their vintage look, combined with quality handling, never fails to impress people.
I haven't included the popular 1800 series decks on this list, because their availability is limited and they aren't being reprinted. I suspect this because of strict new rules that Bicycle has implemented to prohibit publishing decks that change the rider-back design, which would exclude the reader system of the 1800 series decks.
As a result of this new policy, the 1900 series deck relies instead on carefully distinguishing the location of dark stains and white scratches that indicate the suit and value of the cards. This marking system requires fairly close attention to detail, and tired eyes may find this a little tricky. But the weathered look is brilliant, and the deck is worth getting for that alone. The style of weathering is different than the 1800 series decks, but it is equally effective - although I am concerned that it could also draw attention to itself, and thus give away this deck's secret. Even so, it's a very stylish deck.
The Polyantha deck is from Daniel Schneider, and is part of his series of "Black Roses" decks. Daniel had previously created his first deck, Black Roses Playing Cards, in 2014. This was his second deck, so he employed similar artwork for the card faces, but he removed every colour for an exclusively all-black look in a classic casino style, to target magicians. The word polyantha is taken from the Rosa Polyantha species of rose that was popular around the turn of the 20th century, and is simply a name that Daniel found appealing.
The Polyantha deck did already appear in 2016, with printing by MPC. This 2019 re-release sees this deck get a wider distribution and a higher quality printing courtesy of USPCC.
Looking at the faces will reveal that despite the traditional look, customization has been applied, by featuring various personalities from the world of magic and the world of playing cards. If you look carefully there are some other fun details, such as the two black roses below the giant Ace of Spades pip, which indicates that this is Daniel's second deck design. Two extra cards are also included: a jet black casino cut card, and a 50/50 gaff consisting of a 2 of Diamonds and a 8 of Spades.
Given the jet black look, these are the kind of playing cards perfect for low light situations where the colours are hard to distinguish anyway. It is precisely the kind of sleek deck that you'd expect to find in the hands of James Bond types in a casino setting. It won't be for everyone, and it won't be ideal for most card magic due to the all-black cards, but there will be some magicians for whom this deck will make the perfect look given their style.
The cards have a borderless back design that produces an eye-catching pattern in fans and spread. A closer look reveals a tiled pattern consisting of tiny black roses. Studying these closely will prove to be the key that unlocks this deck's secret markings. These will not easily be detected by the unenlightened, because the markings are extremely tiny and well-hidden, and you'll need very, very good eye-sight to pick them up.
My deck didn't come with any information explaining the marking system, and it proved quite challenging to figure out, even though I knew it was a marked deck. I contacted Daniel and quickly received an image that clearly explained everything. Technically it is a reader system rather than a coded system, but I've included it in this list given that it's very well hidden, and that you do have to rely on a coded system for figuring out the suits of the cards.
Once again I've left one of the best decks for last. The Butterfly deck from Ondrej Psenicka deserves special mention for having a truly innovative system that allows you to do things with it that are truly impossible to do with any other deck.
The second edition of this acclaimed deck comes with a choice of either red or blue card backs. It is very well presented, and makes an immediate impression with the gorgeous custom wrapper that the deck is shipped in.
The faces of the deck have a fairly standard look to them, but the card backs feature a stunning borderless design that revolves around the beautiful butterfly, and I love how this looks in fans and spreads.
Also noteworthy is the fact that this deck is produced by Cartamundi. As a result the cards are slightly thicker and yet feel softer than a standard USPCC produced deck.
More importantly however, is the fact that this ground-breaking deck employs a unique and ingenious marking system that even trained magicians won't easily detect. With the deck you get a key card that explains how the marking system works, as well as a link to full video instructions (53 minutes!) that explains everything thoroughly.
When the two built in marking systems are combined, it's incredible what you're able to do with this deck, because you can read a card without even spreading the deck. It takes some time to master, but you can do real miracles once you have it down, including finding any card just by looking at the side of the deck. It's truly amazing, and as proof of this deck's power is the fact that its creator, Ondrej Psenicka, used it successfully to fool Penn and Teller on their Fool Us show!
One series of decks that I haven't included in the above list is the NOC decks. These have a minimalist back design, which accounts for the acronym behind the name (Nothing Only Color). This makes them very popular with cardists, and they have been released in a wide range of different colours, and slight adjustments for style. Because these cards only indicate the suit, it's not a fully marked deck in the strict sense, which is why it doesn't qualify for the above list. But the markings are so clever, that they are almost impossible for the `unenlightened' to figure them out even if they're looking for them. Many people who own these decks don't even realize that they're marked!
Of the ones listed above, which ones are the best? This will largely be a matter of pure preference, and can be decided by which style you like the best. You should consider how much effort you are willing to put into deciphering a coded marking system, and how easy it is to use. And this is by no means a complete list, or even an attempt to list the definitive top coded decks; there are certainly many others, although the Butterfly deck would certainly be a strong contender to be included in any list of all-time best marked decks.
Do remember that none of these decks are intended for your weekly poker night. The secret that is built into the card backs specifically has the professional magician and mentalist in mind, so don't be tempted misuse them! But if you do enjoy card magic, it's terrific to see the growing range of marked decks available, and the ones featured here are among the best you'll find.
Where to get them: See a large range of marked decks over on PlayingCardDecks here.
Author's note: I first published this article at PlayingCardDecks here.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to playingcards [link] [comments]

Harvest - Perceptions and thoughts

Decided to get a break from gaming and give some random short feedbacks.

Sacred Grove's theme

Even though Pylons and Storage tanks are probably the clearest solution, I am a bit disappointed with how it feels and looks. It could all be simulated with natural substitutes (ivy, willow, cactus) for more natural experience.

Sacred Grove's functionality

I am not gonna write another tirade about naked king. Focusing on current mechanics:

Metamorph's collectible organs

Two options, remove them entirely (voiding elements of leagues is fine!) or allow to merge metamorph in laboratory from any combination of organs (some rewards' rebalance like: +10% reward per unique organ type).


By freebies I mean rewards introduced in leagues that grants something over the top with no or almost no drawback.

New Labyrinths

New offerings are one thing that almost for sure will go core, becoming more and more common as leagues' rewards.
Funnily 83lvl Lab was the closest thing to new gameplay we received in this league. Had fun, Izaro is scary, he slams quickly, recommended. I would probably sit there entire day of good lab layout if the offerings' prices were more reasonable.
GGG continues policy of adding increased amount of enchants and divine font usages.
What I would propose is merging the rewards into one. Increased rewards from chests should be natural for increased difficulty, option to enchant belt isn't something amazing to be a stand-alone reward, and 6 additional usages could be reduced to 3. Splitting them feels not right (is it for challenge only?).

Cluster Jewels

There are extremely problematic game mechanic, they have the power to trivialize skill tree or be completely redundant. Feels like GGG will have to balance them every league. I thought they will make "adds # passive skills" blessable, GGG topped it with granted Jewels' sockets.
Waiting for update.

Poison immunity

GGG set a great direction with removing poison immunity (/unaffected by) from Pantheon and Cluster Notable. Poison in opposite to Chill, Shock, and Ignite, isn't secondary effect and shouldn't be so easily neglected. However devs forget about:

Harvest Crafting

Trivialized chroming, various casinos (fossils' one you can't loose, 0-2x div cards is for brave), augmenting, removing mods... Many useful things, even more filler rewards. As a person who do not craft... I still do not craft. Yet, I believe that league is enjoyable, but is not gonna be missed.
For SSF introduce vendor recipes to roll fragments (Shaper, Elder, UElder, +1c). Shaper and Elder one could be unlocked upon defeating first ShapeElder. Would be a nice gesture.

Harvest going Core

I would go with classic 10%...
Great opportunity to void a league. Unique Heart of the Grove map (with three 4-tier bosses, defeating them unlocks final boss, just like Shaper fight) to preserve Harvest uniques and that's it.

Harvest Challenges (feeling)

Ignoring classic retention method (bugged Harvest encounters VI - fixed in patch thankfully), the challenges become more and more time-consuming? Reading "Newbie analysis", author was praising GGG for "better"/more accessible challenges, but I have the opposite feeling. What about you? Many challenges are gated behind harvest crafting RNG, which consumes enormous amount of time. I got 0 winged scarabs, and looking at current prices, this particular challenge seems out of the reach for common folk. Even simpler challenges are unintuitive and trade-gated (div cards).


At last, I would like to thank everyone who unveils and provides crafting service, so others don't have to unveil.
submitted by Jazendr to pathofexile [link] [comments]

Experiment for parents and children

Experiment for parents and children

Preview image
I just wanted to share my flow, which will help keep children busy for a while. This is a statistical experiment of random dice rolls. You manually enter value of the die and UI draws chart of all throws. Also you can turn on automatic throws. This flow requires node-red-dashboard.
[{"id":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","type":"tab","label":"Random","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"d3db6ecd.39ac2","type":"ui_chart","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":1,"width":"7","height":"5","label":"Statistics","chartType":"bar","legend":"false","xformat":"HH:mm:ss","interpolate":"linear","nodata":"","dot":false,"ymin":"","ymax":"","removeOlder":1,"removeOlderPoints":"","removeOlderUnit":"3600","cutout":0,"useOneColor":false,"colors":["#1f77b4","#aec7e8","#ff7f0e","#2ca02c","#98df8a","#d62728","#ff9896","#9467bd","#c5b0d5"],"useOldStyle":false,"outputs":1,"x":740,"y":180,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"c0776cd3.18c9e","type":"function","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"Magic","func":"var counter = Object.assign({}, msg);\nvar pronounce = Object.assign({}, msg);\n// Setting flow value\nmsg.values = flow.get('throw_statistics')||[0,0,0,0,0,0];\nmsg.values[msg.payload-1]=msg.values[msg.payload-1]+1;\nflow.set(\"throw_statistics\", msg.values);\n\n// Counting throws\ncounter.payload = 0;\nfor(var i = 0; i < msg.values.length; i++)\n {\n counter.payload += msg.values[i];\n }\n\n// Prepairing data for voice\npronounce.payload=msg.payload+\"\"; //Must be string\n\n// Data for chart\nmsg.payload=[{\"series\":[\"\"],\"data\":[msg.values],\"labels\":[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\",\"4\",\"5\",\"6\"]}];\n\nreturn [ counter, pronounce, msg ];","outputs":3,"noerr":0,"x":570,"y":140,"wires":[["f65f6dd2.ab9a4"],["f0642e96.3aeef"],["d3db6ecd.39ac2"]],"outputLabels":["Counter","Pronounce","Chart"]},{"id":"a8fe7b76.fbe298","type":"ui_button","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"2","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":5,"width":"1","height":"1","passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_2","payload":"2","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":80,"wires":[["c0776cd3.18c9e"]]},{"id":"7281ce34.9f5a2","type":"ui_button","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"3","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":6,"width":"1","height":"1","passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_3","payload":"3","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":120,"wires":[["c0776cd3.18c9e"]]},{"id":"8e3864a9.014128","type":"ui_button","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"4","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":7,"width":"1","height":"1","passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_4","payload":"4","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":160,"wires":[["c0776cd3.18c9e"]]},{"id":"234f31c0.ca7b7e","type":"ui_button","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"5","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":8,"width":"1","height":"1","passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_5","payload":"5","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":200,"wires":[["c0776cd3.18c9e"]]},{"id":"2834950b.5ef8ba","type":"ui_button","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"6","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":9,"width":"1","height":"1","passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_6","payload":"6","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":240,"wires":[["c0776cd3.18c9e"]]},{"id":"753040fd.2293b","type":"function","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"clear","func":"msg.payload = [];\nflow.set(\"throw_statistics\", [0,0,0,0,0,0]);\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":570,"y":180,"wires":[["d3db6ecd.39ac2","f65f6dd2.ab9a4"]]},{"id":"6a3fde6f.0c0a2","type":"ui_button","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":10,"width":0,"height":0,"passthru":false,"label":"Clear","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","topic":"","x":390,"y":300,"wires":[["753040fd.2293b"]]},{"id":"f65f6dd2.ab9a4","type":"ui_gauge","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"","group":"43d7c4af.b0ef8c","order":0,"width":0,"height":0,"gtype":"gage","title":"Counter","label":"throws","format":"{{value}}","min":0,"max":"200","colors":["#00b500","#e6e600","#ca3838"],"seg1":"100","seg2":"150","x":740,"y":100,"wires":[]},{"id":"532ba59f.4384ac","type":"ui_audio","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"Pronounce","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","voice":"ru-RU","always":"","x":870,"y":140,"wires":[]},{"id":"a2883210.56c9a","type":"ui_button","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"1","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":4,"width":"1","height":"1","passthru":true,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"filter_1","payload":"1","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":390,"y":40,"wires":[["c0776cd3.18c9e"]]},{"id":"37a83e6.af5e8c2","type":"inject","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","d":true,"name":"auto","topic":"auto","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"0.1","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":110,"y":140,"wires":[["5a8fb1f7.a0121"]]},{"id":"5a8fb1f7.a0121","type":"function","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"Random","func":"min = Math.ceil(1);\nmax = Math.floor(6);\nmsg.payload= Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;\n\nswitch (msg.payload) {\n case 1: return [msg,null,null,null,null,null];\n case 2: return [null,msg,null,null,null,null];\n case 3: return [null,null,msg,null,null,null];\n case 4: return [null,null,null,msg,null,null];\n case 5: return [null,null,null,null,msg,null];\n case 6: return [null,null,null,null,null,msg];\n}\n","outputs":6,"noerr":0,"x":240,"y":140,"wires":[["a2883210.56c9a"],["a8fe7b76.fbe298"],["7281ce34.9f5a2"],["8e3864a9.014128"],["234f31c0.ca7b7e"],["2834950b.5ef8ba"]]},{"id":"e1fe6b70.34eca8","type":"comment","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"enable to autothrow","info":"","x":130,"y":220,"wires":[],"icon":"font-awesome/fa-arrow-up"},{"id":"f0642e96.3aeef","type":"switch","z":"7ac0f60d.d160d8","name":"!auto","property":"topic","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"neq","v":"auto","vt":"str"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":1,"x":730,"y":140,"wires":[["532ba59f.4384ac"]]},{"id":"28f8f613.eeb49a","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"Statistics","tab":"2b1e24ca.17fa74","order":1,"disp":false,"width":11,"collapse":false},{"id":"43d7c4af.b0ef8c","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"Count","tab":"2b1e24ca.17fa74","order":2,"disp":false,"width":18,"collapse":false},{"id":"2b1e24ca.17fa74","type":"ui_tab","z":"","name":"Random","icon":"casino","order":1,"disabled":false,"hidden":false}] 
UDP: updated code that I've used in my 10 hours video
[{"id":"baef7e29.23bc7","type":"tab","label":"Random","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"bad78654.8790a","type":"ui_chart","z":"baef7e29.23bc7","name":"Statistics","group":"28f8f613.eeb49a","order":1,"width":11,"height":12,"label":"","chartType":"bar","legend":"false","xformat":"HH:mm:ss","interpolate":"linear","nodata":"Now we're gonna roll the virtual die 🎲 and see how random is random","dot":false,"ymin":"","ymax":"","removeOlder":1,"removeOlderPoints":"","removeOlderUnit":"3600","cutout":0,"useOneColor":false,"useUTC":false,"colors":["#1f77b4","#aec7e8","#ff7f0e","#2ca02c","#98df8a","#d62728","#ff9896","#9467bd","#c5b0d5"],"useOldStyle":false,"outputs":1,"x":740,"y":200,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"a05cc113.d2792","type":"function","z":"baef7e29.23bc7","name":"Magic","func":"var counter = Object.assign({}, msg);\nvar pronounce = Object.assign({}, msg);\nvar inequality = Object.assign({}, msg);\nvar die = Object.assign({}, msg);\n// Setting flow value\nmsg.values = flow.get('throw_statistics')||[0,0,0,0,0,0];\nmsg.values[msg.payload-1]=msg.values[msg.payload-1]+1;\nflow.set(\"throw_statistics\", msg.values);\n\n// Counting throws\ncounter.payload = 0;\nfor(var i = 0; i < msg.values.length; i++)\n {\n counter.payload += msg.values[i];\n }\n\n// Prepairing data for voice\npronounce.payload=msg.payload+\"\"; //Must be string\npronounce.filename=msg.payload+\".mp3\";\n//if (counter.payload % 2 === 0) {pronounce.even=true;}\n\n// inequality\ninequality.min=Math.min(...msg.values);\ninequality.max=Math.max(...msg.values);\ninequality.payload=((inequality.max-inequality.min)/(inequality.max+inequality.min)*100);\nif (inequality.payload<10)\n {inequality.payload=inequality.payload.toFixed(1)}\nelse\n {inequality.payload=inequality.payload.toFixed(0)}\n\n// Data for chart\nmsg.payload=[{\"series\":[\"\"],\"data\":[msg.values],\"labels\":[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\",\"4\",\"5\",\"6\"]}];\n\n// Die\nswitch (die.payload) {\n case 1: die.payload=\"⚀\"; break;\n case 2: die.payload=\"⚁\"; break;\n case 3: die.payload=\"⚂\"; break;\n case 4: die.payload=\"⚃\"; break;\n case 5: die.payload=\"⚄\"; break;\n case 6: die.payload=\"⚅\"; break;\n}\n\nreturn [ counter, pronounce, inequality, msg, die 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Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;\n\nswitch (msg.payload) {\n case 1: return [msg,null,null,null,null,null];\n case 2: return [null,msg,null,null,null,null];\n case 3: return [null,null,msg,null,null,null];\n case 4: return [null,null,null,msg,null,null];\n case 5: return [null,null,null,null,msg,null];\n case 6: return [null,null,null,null,null,msg];\n}\n","outputs":6,"noerr":0,"x":240,"y":140,"wires":[["3557234c.6c12fc"],["b5476cca.b93438"],["f7bc1776.cc3b8"],["ddebe732.c52938"],["47ef5c9.a1d5aa4"],["22500e25.396812"]]},{"id":"e1f0efd6.fb345","type":"comment","z":"baef7e29.23bc7","name":"enable to autothrow","info":"","x":110,"y":220,"wires":[],"icon":"font-awesome/fa-arrow-up"},{"id":"3a9bacf8.2e11c4","type":"ui_template","z":"baef7e29.23bc7","group":"dbe4d6ca.78fea8","name":"User","order":1,"width":18,"height":"5","format":"%Приветствие%, это {}. Чтобы занять дочь, набросал программу, собирающую статистику значений, выпавших при бросках 🎲. Заодно решил её автоматизировать и проверить - насколько рандом рандомный. Реализовано на платформе Node-Red, которая в общем-то создана для других вещей. Смотри до конца, подписывайся на канал и спасибо за твоё время и внимание.
\nRandomize Code:\n max = Math.floor(6)\n min = Math.ceil(1)\n random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max-min+1)) + min\nInequality:\n max = Math.max(a) // where a = array, e.g. on roll #1019 a = [165,161,173,169,188,163]\n min = Math.min(a)\n inequality = (max - min) / (max + min)
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